The power of Elijah's prayer

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Greetings brothers of steemchurch.

A Bible study that I have always admired is about the effects of the prophet Elijah's prayer.

The first effect of his prayer was to give life. In 1 Kings 17.17-22 we read that the son of the host widow died: "Give me your son," answered Elijah. He took him by his arms, took him to the room above, where he was staying, and put him on the bed. Then he cried out to the Lord: 'O Lord, my God, did you also bring misfortune upon this widow, with whom I am staying, by putting your son to death?' Then he lay down on the child three times and cried out to the Lord: 'Lord, my God, return this child's life!' The Lord heard the cry of Elijah, and life returned to the child, and he lived.


Is not it something wonderful? Thus, his prayer was a life donor. With what position did he pray about that dead child? "Then he lay down on the boy ..." The living Elijah became one with the dead child. He continually cried out to God with that attitude, until the Lord heard it, and the child's soul returned and he lived again.

This figure is wonderful. I am convinced that there are many who are spiritually dead around you too. I would like to ask, son of God: does one also become one with those who are spiritually dead? Do you also continually cry out to God to make you alive, for people to be reborn? See that it does not depend on the words used in the sentence, but on our inner attitude. "The prayer of a righteous man is very effective if it is done with seriousness" says literally a German biblical version of James 5.16. What, then, is the degree of seriousness necessary? It must be according to the request, the reason for the prayer. Did you know that spiritually dead people, who were not purified by the blood of Jesus Christ, are in fact lost? Although they have received a Christian education, with baptism and confirmation, if they do not have a new birth and therefore do not live in communion with Jesus, they are destined to eternal damnation. It is what the Bible says (1 John 5.12 and John 3.36).

If we are true children of God and if we are before him, then that fact should shake us so that we did not have peace, day and night, but that we remain crying out to the Lord and becoming one with those spiritually dead, until the Lord takes care of us . And he hears! It was he who said: "Ask, and it will be given" (Luke 11.9). I imagine that the people who could have been saved were not saved because the believers were inactive and did not constantly cry out to God. From now on, let's do what we fail so many times: fight in prayer.

God desires to use the true spiritual intercessor as a channel to allow flows of blessings to flow through him. How shocking is the accusation that we read in Ezekiel 22.30:

"I looked among them for a man who would raise the wall and stand in the gap before me and in favor of this land, so that I would not destroy it, but I did not find any." Indeed, there are many believers, but extremely few who pray

###! "... but I did not find any."

Let me be awakened for prayer! The Lord is in his search. Where are the intercessors of today? There is a lot of religious activity. There are meetings to eat, drink and talk about religious matters. However, where they are intercessors filled with the Spirit, the ground around them will move, shake and a revival will happen. God allow that many intercessors are still born.

The second effect of Elijah's prayer was the defeat of the enemy. He was alone on Mount Carmel - in opposition to four hundred priests of Baal, who were desperate trying to make their god respond, which did not happen. Elijah mocked them with a holy mockery: "Higher flu!", He said, "since he is a god. Who knows is meditating, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and needs to be awakened "(1 Kings 18.27).


That was the prayer that poured out blessings. We long for a mighty revival, for God says in Isaiah 44: 3: "For to pour water on the thirsty ground, and torrents on the dry land." However, God is looking for people like Elijah!

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The creation of accounts of steemchurch - Telos has begun, thanks to the Leader @Sirknight for the outstanding work he has shown in favor of the parishioners.



For some reason they say that the secret of many successes is through prayer. Well said sister Lore.

Resteem by: EC

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It's a beautiful and inspiring message, sister Lorennys. God restore Venezuela soon.

Thank you @lorennys it is a powerful message, being born again is the best thing you can ever be in this world... I gave my life to Jesus 2 yrs back but I'm super happy and words can not express how I feel about my salvation life.


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