STEEMCHURCH| Blessed are the eyes that look to Jesus

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Hebrews 12

2 Put your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of the faith, who for the joy set before him suffered the cross, despising the reproach, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

To look at Jesus means an attention focused on Him. But this has nothing to do with the physical eye but with the heart. When we look at a goal, we look away from all the distractions, in order to contemplate that goal. Put your eyes on Jesus and not on anything else; is to consider an object and look carefully, and our goal must be Christ.

At the time the new testament was written, many Jews had converted to the gospel, that is, they had accepted Christ, but Judaism still prevailed in those days and they were tempted to continue practicing the rites of the law. For this reason the author of the letter to the Hebrews exhorts to look only at Jesus. Now I ask you? How many things exist today that can tempt us to take our eyes off Jesus?

Look to Jesus is:

Focus our heart and our thoughts constantly on Christ. Living according to the model described in the bible. It is a lifestyle that manifests a reflection of God in every area of ​​life. In Elijah's time, the people of Israel had divided thoughts:

And Elijah came to all the people, and said: How long will you yield between two thoughts? If Jehovah is God, follow him; and if Baal, go after him. And the people did not answer a word. (1 Kings 18; 21)

A rich young man wanted to follow Jesus but he had divided thoughts, he wanted to love God and also to riches, Jesus told him this is impossible.

Mark 10

21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, "One thing you lack: go, sell all that you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me, taking your cross.

I think that like me, you are convinced that what made Peter sink was not the strong wind or the great waves of the sea, but when I REMOVE THE LOOK OF JESUS. It also happens when, in the midst of any difficulty, we remove the gaze of Jesus.


One of the tricks of the devil is to blind the unbelievers' understanding so that they do not believe in the gospel. He knows that if someone focuses on the Gospel, all his doubts will disappear and he will seek God.

2 Corinthians 2

3 But if our gospel is still concealed, it is hidden among those who are lost;
4 in which the god of this world blinded the understanding of the unbelievers, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, which is the image of God, shine unto them.

Why, being Christians, do we remove the gaze of Christ?

  1. Because we make something else a priority.
  2. For not understanding the nature of the gospel.
  3. Because we believe that the gospel is a race without obstacles to reach the goal.
  4. Because we focus on obstacles. In everything that opposes our walk in Christ.
  5. By following the current of the world.
  6. For not putting into practice self-control.
  7. For the lack of determination in Jesus.

Recommendations to have your eyes fixed on Jesus.

1. Make Jesus your priority and reason for living. (Colossians 3: 2) "Set your mind on the things above, not on the things of the earth.

2. Do not let any problem turn you away from God. (Romans 8:39) "Neither the high, nor the deep, nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

3. Do not value your assets more than Jesus. (Philippians 3: 8) "And verily, I still esteem all things as a loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all, and I count it as filth, to win Christ."

4. Retain your profession of faith in Christ. (Hebrews 4:14) "Therefore, having a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us keep our profession."


Those who looked to him were enlightened,
And their faces were not ashamed.
Psalm 34: 5

God bless you all!!


If we take our eyes away from Jesus Christ, we will not reach the destination where we want to arrive, which is eternal life; end faithful to God. From Steemchurch we encourage you brothers and sisters whoever you may be, do not take away your trust and you see Christ, because we run the risk of being discouraged.
There are many, but many who took their eyes off Jesus, and are no longer in the church, put their trust in money in temporal things, they set their sights on man and man failed them, they put their hope where they should not and sadly they no longer serve that Jesus who died on the cross.
Upvoted y Resteemed

Thank you @steemchurch for the addition, the more we contemplate Jesus, the more we are transformed into the image of God

Put your eyes on Jesus is: undivided attention, to look away from all distractions, in order to contemplate an object, is to put your eyes on Jesus and not on any other; it is to carefully consider looking at an objective, and our goal is Christ, in other words it is not to look away from Jesus Christ to put it elsewhere.

Thank you sister @darlenys, blessings forever

The more we focus our atten tion on Jesus, the confidence we develop on Him. The best place to focus on is unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. He has the capacity to help us through any form of challenge if only we believe and focus on His ability.

Amen thanks you

"To look at Jesus means an attention focused on Him. But this has nothing to do with the physical eye but with the heart. When we look at a goal, we look away from all the distractions, in order to contemplate that goal. Put your eyes on Jesus and not on anything else; is to consider an object and look carefully, and our goal must be Christ"
Very true

Your body, your soul, your heart and your spirit should be focused on Christ .
When you accept the living God in your life remember to give your whole life and everything you have to him.
Trust in him is also a very important step to take .
Make plans to always trust him.
God has never forsaken his people even in the bible when the people of Israel were been maltreated by the people of Israel he was there for them and he actually saved them through their faith in him and trust in his servant moses

truely no one who looks to jesus is dissapointed

Remove your eyes on your problems, fix it on Jesus.
Thanks for sharing

Interesting writeup keep it up

very encouraging. thank you

Thank you for stopping by, blessings

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