Peace in the midst of adversity!

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Hello dear readers of SteemChurch.

I was walking happily with my daughter from school at home, when a subject approached us and under threat with a gun took our belongings away.

Instantly my soul wanted to despair but, in a short time I felt the peace of God in my heart.

"I have told you these things, so that you may have peace in me, in the world you will have afflictions, but be of good courage, I have overcome the world ..." (John 16:33)

Peace in the midst of adversity


In that passage Jesus was speaking, not to the crowds, but directly to the disciples. He was going through difficult times, he was being persecuted and pressured by the authorities of the time and he was trying to comfort the disciples in advance for what was yet to happen.

I understand that all Jesus wanted most at that time, was for the disciples to understand that He had a great work to finish and that, one hour or another, they would need to continue the walk without Him. I believe that the disciples' inability to understand what Jesus said, left him somewhat worried ... And, although Jesus cared, He reassured them by asking them to have good spirits. But what does it mean to have good spirits?

Having good spirits is not discouraging. It seems obvious, but it goes further: to have good courage is to know that, even in the midst of the greatest difficulties, we can trust God fully and completely. That is easy? No, Jesus never said it would be, but He assured us that we would be overcomers, because He Himself had already overcome all the afflictions existing in the world before us.

Understand one thing: God is faithful! Regardless if we are faithful to Him or not, He remains faithful. That's why we can not look back, or lower our heads in the face of the struggles that arise along the way, because whoever is with us is simply the Almighty!

What we need to do is find opportunities within adversities. Maybe that is not one of the easiest tasks in the world, but surely it is something possible! Often God will not free you from adversity, but will deliver NA adversity and this makes all the difference. To understand this, we must take into account that the peace MEDIA absence of conflict, but remains convinced that PESE conflicts, that will always be with us. This is where is the
great challenge to feel peace in the middle of the tribulation.

And I will be very sincere: the more of God's will you are, the more adversities you will face. Are you facing fights? Cool! It means that you are bothering the darkness and will not buy with them! Do not panic or worry about it. Follow your path with faith, for in Christ you have conquered the world!




Sister Lorennys, the words of Jesus echo in our hearts, we should only trust in Him:

But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave you, my peace I give you; I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14: 26-27


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