Bronchitis Natural Cure

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago

Bronchitis is nothing more than an "inflammation that affects the walls of the bronchi, the passage through which the air reaches the lungs and then exits with the exhalation.

There are two forms of bronchitis, acute and chronic. Today we will discover the differences between the two and how to intervene according to the cases with simple and practical natural remedies.


Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is related to an infectious process caused by a virus, but in some cases it can also be a bacterial bronchitis. In certain circumstances, even smog, cleaning detergents, gastric reflux and cigarette smoking can produce passive bronchitis.

In general, the disorder disappears after adequate treatment in a few days. When bronchitis is of viral or bacterial origin, there is a risk of infection.

Chronic bronchitis

This form is a consequence of certain environmental factors or bad habits, such as smoking cigarettes. It is a more serious disease that falls within the framework of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. To get to develop the chronic form is not necessary to have had an episode of acute bronchitis before.

The diagnosis of the chronic form occurs when the person coughs every day for at least 3 months in 2 consecutive years. In the long run, chronic cough favors the presence of lesions.

Symptoms of bronchitis

Symptoms share both the acute and chronic forms and are:

  • Cough (which may last even after healing)
  • Phlegm, which can be transparent, tends to white, yellow or green.
  • Tenths of fever and cold chills.
  • Fatigue and fatigue
    *Chest pain

Natural remedies bronchitis

There are many natural remedies that can help us understand how to cure bronchitis without antibiotics.

Some precautions can also relieve the annoying symptoms of coughing and difficulty breathing.

It is recommended fact:

*Drink a lot

  • Rest and shelter from the cold;
  • Use an air humidifier;
  • Do not smoke and do not expose yourself to passive smoking.

Inhalations for melaleuca oil-based bronchitis may also be helpful. This remedy, however, is recommended only for adults. Inhalation with water and baking soda is enough for children.

Among the essential oils are juniper, cypress and pine, or thyme and lavender. Pour a few drops into the bathtub for a relaxing and purifying bath.


Herbal remedies

Also for this problem there are many natural solutions offered by herbal medicine. In this case it is necessary to resort to medicinal plants capable of helping the expulsion of phlegm and improve breathing.

Sage, violet, pine and birch are herbs with balsamic properties. To soothe the cough you can also make an infusion with the banana, as well as with the altea, the mullein or the roots of the spring.

For an even more complete infusion, you can mix in boiling water: 30 g of mallow flowers, 35 g of pine, 25 g of licorice root and 10 g of mint leaves. Let stand for at least 20 minutes and then drink.

Bronchitis and kitchen remedies.

Also in the kitchen there are many ingredients with antibacterial and soothing properties. Let's see which are the most effective:

Lemon and garlic: in spite of the quite unusual coupling, you can make an infusion with 1 clove of garlic and lemon peel. Excellent as a natural antibiotic.

Milk and honey: infallible remedy of the grandmother to calm the cough. You need a couple of tablespoons of boiling milk to ensure a peaceful sleep before going to bed.

Onion: known antibacterial and expectorant properties, you can take 1 tablespoon of onion juice every morning fasting, even in a preventive way.

Ginger: make a ginger tea, adding a spoonful of honey to sweeten it.

Turmeric: among the remedies against bronchitis can not miss this spice. Only 1/2 teaspoon to pour in 1/2 cup of warm milk. Drink away from meals up to 3 times a day.


Bronchitis and diet

To accelerate the healing process, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as herring, salmon, cold-pressed linseed oil, sardines, cod, anchovies and mackerel, should be preferred.

In general, there are some foods that should be avoided, such as:

  • dairy products and cheeses
  • fried foods
  • bananas
  • simple sugars

Forward, on the other hand, to all those foods that provide vitamins and nutrients important for the well-being of our body:

Whole grains, nuts, oil seeds (contain vitamin E)

Lemon, grapes, grapefruit, plums, apricots and blackberries (rich in bioflavonoids)

kiwi and citrus fruits (vitamin C)

Loquat, melon, berries, cabbage, carrots, lettuce (contain beta-carotene)

Broccoli, hot pepper, spinach, pumpkin (vitamin A)

In the case of chronic bronchitis it is also good to increase the intake of selenium and zinc in the diet.

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