Where Does the Habitual Behavior Take Place?

in #motivation3 years ago

Many behaviors have been considered as bad habits but it is not where does the habitual behavior occur. Rather, it is a question of habit. The question is whether there is a need to change the habit or change the way we perform certain actions. For instance if you smoke when you don't feel like it and in fact are the one making the habit possible by using your hands to hold cigarettes, do you then say that this is a bad habit?

In fact the habit may be more like an addiction. It is not impossible to stop smoking when you want to and the way to go about it is to have some willpower and be determined. But do you know how many times a day do you use your hands to hold a cigarette? If you count all the times you use your hands to smoke and add it up you will see that over the years you have used your hands to smoke about twice as many times as you have used your fist.

So you can see that your habit does not just happen without you even realizing it. Where does the habit take place then? And where does the bad habit begin? You may have noticed that you get into bad habits faster than others. This is because the fast learners usually start with the easy ones because they are already engaged in what they are doing and the easy way is easier.

So how do we know where does the habitual bad habit takes place? We can look to other people for answers. Most psychologists say that we learn our habits through reinforcement and the environment. We can learn the bad habit very easily through the environment if what we are doing is not interesting to us.

When you are at home you watch TV or listen to music while doing something else. This is the easiest habit to form and maintain. Other people are more likely to read or think or talk or do other activities when they are outside the home. These are more complex habits and therefore take longer to learn and reinforce.

Most people can easily form an addiction to cigarettes or alcohol or drugs when they use them excessively. They feel a certain need to do these things and feel that they cannot stop if they do not do them on a regular basis. And, of course, the more they do them, the more they feel dependent upon them. They begin to rely on them for a feeling of well being.

One of the most important questions one has to ask oneself is: where does the habitual bad habit take place. The answer to this question will help one determine the best way to eliminate it. It is better to start with the good habits. Then go toward eliminating the bad habits.

Bad habits are often easy to replace with new good habits. It takes some effort to get into the habit of taking one pill after another instead of having two or three. If someone can resist drinking coffee then they can certainly resist smoking. Changing one habit at a time is usually the best solution.

Habits can be hard to break because most people have experienced a similar behavior in the past. When someone breaks a habit, it may seem like a great accomplishment. In reality however, it is just another habit that had been bitten off by its tail. Changing the old habits to the new ones will take more work than just giving up the drink or the cigarette.

The other way where does the habitual bad habits take place is with addictive substances. There are a number of drugs that are used habitually and without the person even realizing it. People begin to rely on these substances in order to deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and a variety of other problems.

These habits will usually take place in a situation where the person is already using drugs or alcohol. It is much easier to fall into the same pattern with these substances because of the nature of the drugs themselves. You also need to be in a certain state of mind. Habits are usually learned while you are young, so this makes it extremely difficult to change. If you want to break a bad habit then make sure that you have gone through a change process as an adult. When this happens your habits are much more likely to change because you were much more open and honest as a child.


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