9 Brilliant School Supply Ideas! School Hacks, Crafts, and More
The school year looks like it goes on forever… But to make it more interesting we have prepared some brilliant ideas for school supply crafts! Learn how to stay organized with a DIY thread bookmarker, notebook cover sleeve or watch how to turn your shirt into a backpack! These school tips and many more life hacks are ready for you!
00:00 DIY Thread Bookmarker
01:31 Pencil Purse
03:24 Notebook Cover Sleeve
04:51 Shirt Into A Backpack
06:35 “Reload” Empty Pen
07:24 Tic Tac Toe Cover
08:24 Fresh Apple Trick
09:18 DIY Spill Proof Cup
09:44 Labeled Markers Tip
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Girly Panda: https://www.youtube.com//channel/UCeqQB5Cvut0jhXw47GOz9XA?sub_confirmation=1
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