How to change the world for a better one / Como cambiar al mundo por uno mejor

in #life7 years ago (edited)

How do we change it? very interesting that question that I ask myself and equally respond, being thinking people that means studied, intelligent and with brews we would make the world better as: see what we need, fix your city helping each other to make them look beautiful, the streets, the houses, avenues, buildings, but not only do all services work as they should be; leave selfishness, envy and hatred out of this, work with dignity and desire to serve your community with the desire to be well founded, restored inside and out, that communication is the most important in each of We, the human beings who live here, would like each word put here to help Venezuela move forward. We must unite as brothers and sisters and leave everything bad behind us and build a better tomorrow. good friends of steem thank you always for supporting us in every thing we do for the good of all of us here. Greetings and hugs everyone loves them very much.

Como lo cambiamos? muy interesante esa pregunta que me hago e igualmente la respondere, siendo gente pensante que significa estudiados, inteligentes y con cocimientos hariamos del mundo mejor como: ver que necesitamos, arreglar tu ciudad ayudandonos unos a otros para que se vean bellas, las calles, las casas, las avenidas, los edificios, pero no solo eso hacer funcionar todos los servicios como deberían ser; dejar el egoismo, la envidia y el odio fuera de esto, trabajar con dignidad y deseo de servir a tu comunidad con el deseo de que sea bien fundada, restaurada por dentro y por fuera, que la comunicación sea lo más importante en cada uno de nosotros los seres humanos que vivimos aquí.. quisiera que cada palabra puesta aqui sirva para que Venezuela salga adelante debemos unirnos como hermanos que somos y dejar todo lo malo atrás y construir un mejor mañana. bueno mis amigos de steem gracias siempre por apoyarnos en cada cosas que hacemos para el bien de todos los que estamos aqui. Saludos y abrazos a todos se les quiere mucho.


Love this post, it came out after I'd finished the 'Memos', or else it would have been included in there soooo...gave you a full vote :)

Thanks so much , I don't know but i feel lucky now hahaha Thanks for everyting guys
Hugs and kisses:)

Build a better tomorrow 😊 Love that!
Such inspiering and happy post 😉
Have a wonderful day my friend. Cheers! 💖

Great post. Loved it. Keep steeming onn. I am sure its just matter of time until u with be in the limelight. Regards Nainaz

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