My 42 hour journey to go on holiday 42小時旅程去旅行

in #cn7 years ago

Summer has started and I've just gone away on my summer holiday. Do you want to know where I'm going? Follow me.

Flight 1
I left home at noon on Thursday for the airport, this is my starting location - Taichung International Airport in Taiwan. As soon as I arrived at the airport, I found that my 1450 one hour ten minute flight to Hong Kong is delayed by 40 minutes. Not a good start.

Never mind, as after checking in my luggage, I discovered some free massage chairs in the departure lounge. I love a nice massage, just what I need to relieve the mild annoyance. Twenty minutes would do the job. Here's me relaxing, but excuse the photo. Now you understand why I'm always camera shy! I promise I won't do it again in future posts.
沒關係,check in後,原來候機室有我最喜愛的按摩椅,正好可以讓我忘掉那少少不開心。二十分鐘後整個人馬上輕鬆了。這照片中的我正在享受着按摩椅,你現在明白為甚麼我平常不喜歡上鏡啦! 應承大家只此一次,以後寫文章都不會再折磨大家。

Total journey time so far - 5 hours

Flight 2
I finally arrived at Hong Kong International Airport at 5pm. Another 3 hours to go till my next flight. I couldn't go into Hong Kong this time but came across this really cute drawing of the Hong Kong at the airport, this will have to suffice for the time being.

Now it's time to board the flight to my next destination Singapore. I’m feeling a bit tired by now, so decided to edit my photo to distract you from my awful look😊.

Total journey time so far - 12 hours

Flight 3
I arrived at Singapore just before midnight, and in case you're wondering, this isn't my final destination yet, I'm just transferring here. My next flight is at 0850 tomorrow morning! Now I have 9 hours to burn at the airport. Luckily Singapore Changi International Airport is one of the best in the world and they have plenty of facilities. Most of shops were already closed, not that I planned to do any shopping, but they did have a free cinema and the films weren’t bad at all, just a few months old. It was quite comfortable inside so I stayed for a couple of hours for a rest until I felt hungry.

I decided to head next door to the airport lounge for some food and to refresh myself. Here’s my late night supper, not the most appealing plate of food but it was 0330 after all.

By the way, here’s my Steemit validation photo, can you find the Steemit logo?
還有,這是我Steemit 認證圖,你看到Steemit商標嗎?

Now it was 0630, after a short nap it was time for breakfast. Breakfast was freshly cooked and actually not bad. After breakfast I had to leave as there was a 3 hour time limit for the lounge stay. However, that was a fine as there was only two and half hours till my next flight was due to leave.

I am not a morning person so it was great to have this rare opportunity to admire the sunrise, and watch the buzz of Singapore Airport first thing in the morning.

Finally its nearly time to board my third flight. Yes, I’m off to New Zealand and I’m so excited as I’ve never been before!
終於是時候上機。我是去紐西蘭! 很興奮因為從來沒去過!
Total journey time so far – 30 hours

Flight 4
After a 9 hour flight, I arrived at Auckland at 2200 local time. Have you noticed my heading says Flight 4? Yes, I’m not quite there yet. I still have one more flight to take. I checked into the airport hotel this time as my next flight was at 0830 the next morning and at my age I don’t think I can manage two nights in a row at the airport. So here I am back at the airport the next morning for my 2 hour flight to my final destination.
坐了9小時飛機,到了奧克蘭時已是當地時間2200。你有留意到我還有第四班機嗎? 是呀,還未到終點,明天還要繼續。明早0830班機,所以入住機場旅館。已一把年紀,青春不再,不能在機場熬兩夜了。還是明早回來坐這第四程的兩小時飛機。

This is the stunning view during the flight, isn’t it gorgeous? It was pretty much the same all the way, I have fallen in love with New Zealand even before my holiday had started.

After 4 flights, 5 airports and 42 hours later I finally arrived at my final destination Queenstown, at the south of South Island. Let the holiday begin!
4班飛機, 5個機場,42小時後,我終於抵達目的地,在紐西蘭南島南部的皇后鎮。旅程終於可以開始啦!


Ski time!!!! Btw love your validation photo !

Thanks! I didn't realise it until I looked at the photo and thought, that looks familiar!!!

enjoy your trip :D


唔上鏡虐待我呀 ><


靚女呀!!! @kitcat 我們衝吧!


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