Going home 回家

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

My journey home starts with a two hour train ride to Zhongli. Actually, that's not exactly right as I caught a taxi to the station first. My 10 minute taxi ride cost me USD6.50, whereas my 2 hour train journey cost me USD5.70.
回家的旅程從這2小時火車到中壢開始。正確來說,旅程應該是從家裡坐計程車到火車站開始才對。 10分鐘的計程車需要6.5美金,但2小時的火車旅程卻只需要5.7美金。

After dragging my cases across the road for 3 minutes, I check into my hotel for the night. It's a small room, has free wifi and a clean bathroom, and only cost USD47. Not bad.
下火車後 ,跟行李箱在路上拉鋸了3分鐘,終於到達旅館。 房間麻雀雖小,但五臟俱全。有免費網絡及潔淨的洗手間,而且只是47美金一晚。不錯。PSX_20180201_234612.jpg

I noticed there's something by the bedside, maybe someone has left something behind? I took a closer look. Oh! How thoughtful ... 😊 I have an early start at 6am tomorrow, so not going to be needing that.
我留意到床邊一角有一些東西,莫非是之前住客留下的? 仔細望一下,旅館真週到呀... 😊 不過我明早要6點起床, 看來我用不上哩。

What I do need is a nice dinner, and what else could be better than a hot pot on a wet and cold winter evening? This is Taiwan after all.
當然要吃晚餐。 晚上又冷又下著毛毛雨,吃火鍋最好不過, 畢竟這是台灣。

Finally, my journey really starts. Yes, I'm on a visit back home to UK! It's been 22 months since I've been away, and I can't wait to see my family again! See you all from the other side of the world soon!!
我終於要起程。 對呀!我回英國探親! 離開英國已22個月,很期待可以再見到家人。下次跟大家見面我將會在世界的另一邊喔!!


Wow! So now we’re on the same land!😃

Have a safe flight! ✈️🇬🇧旅途愉快哦~

How exciting!! Safe travels, my friend!

Landed safely! Thank you!

Have a happy and safe journey! Enjoy your time with the family!
By the way, I haven't yet come across a hotel that is thoughtful in that way. 😁

Hahaha I agree! Found it really funny. 😁😁

Certainly bought a little smile to my face 😙




thanks for the storytelling and quality pictures

Thanks for reading

一路顺风~ 回家探亲好开心呀 那红绿的箱子reclaim的时候很显眼吧 呵呵😄 我的是黄色 也很好找
See you soon...

謝謝! 我覺得每次出門好像聖誕樹一般 😁

Have a safe flight! Tho you must have arrived already :)

Thank you, landed safely and now woke up at 5am!


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