The Lazy Donkey English Story Blog.

in #story3 years ago

Writer: Once upon a time,there lived a trader in a small village. he traded different items in the market for money. the trader had a donkey. he used to put sacks of goods on the donkey's back and take them to the the market to sell the trader took really good care of his donkey.he knew that the donkey was important for business the donkey was kept clean and healthy.he was given good food to eat.he was young and strong.he could take the load of many sacks on his back and walk to the market but he was also very lazy.the donkey didn't like to work at all.he only wanted to sit and sleep.
Donkey:oh! to the market again! master take a day off some day.i love holidays! maybe he does not need rest,but i do!

Writer:but the donkey did not understand that the trader could not take a holiday.if the trader does not go to the market then he will not earn and then there will be no food, even for the donkey.depending on the demand in the market,the trader used to sell different things every day.Pulses,Grains, vegetables,spices and even fruits.he used to walk his donkey every day from his village.each day to reach the market, they had to cross a river.the trader took special care of the donkey while crossing the river.oneday,a friend told the trader that there is a heavy demand for salt in the market.
Trader:Ahaan! thank you for the tip,my friend.i must start selling salt soon.
Writer:soon,the trader awanged 12sacks of salt to be sold. he took six sacks and started to load them on the donkey's back.he then realized that the sacks were getting heavy.the donkey could not walk!
Trader:oh!poor must be getting too heavy for him.there,i will take a sack off.this should do.
Writer:not wanting to hurt of his back.however, even them the donkey was not ready to walk the trader cared for his donkey.but he also knew that the donkey was lazy.he took out a stick and poked him.
Trader:oh:come on now. Don't be so lazy.You have rested enough!we need go to the market.
Writer:the trader then started to sell salt every day.he used to fill sacks and sacks of salt and load them up on the donkey. the donkey had to Carry sometimes five and sometimes six sacks the market. though not happy,the donkey was always relived while returning home.since the trader sold all the sacks of salt,he had not load to carry back.a few days ago.then one day,the trader loaded six sacks of salt and left for the they reached the river.the trader noticed that the water was a little bit they crossed the half rive, suddenly the donkey slipped of a big store and sat down with a thud! the trader somehow managed to pull the donkey up and made him cross the river. the donkey was shocked. but then he felt something! what the donkey don't know is that there was no magic in the river. when he fell,the water is dissolved all the salt in the sacks. which is why donkey felt no load on his back.there was no salt Left in the sacks now! after cutting his trip short,the donkey had the entire day to himself.he ate slept all day.he was happy.the next day.the trader again loaded six sacks of salt on the donkey's back and walked him to the market.unaware of the donkey's intentions,the trader started walking towards the market.As they reached the river,the donkey went a step ahead and before the trader could stop him,he sat down in the same spot he had fallen.
Trader:oh! what are you doing! you fool!get up!
Writer: but it was too late.the donkey thought that he had found a perfect way to avoid work.but the trader had a different plan.the next morning,the trader loaded eight, sacks on the donkey's back. but the donkey did not complain.the trader silently walked the donkey to the river.while crossing the river,the donkey silpped again at the same spot and sat down in the water.however, today the trader did not pick his donkey the donkey go tried get up, suddenly...the trader was a intelligent man!he knew that the donkey would try to trick him this time instead of the loading salt on the donkey's back,he loaded cotton!As soon as the donkey sat in the water, cotton observed the water and became heavier!the donkey realized that the water was not magic after all.he carried the 8 heavy sacks of cotton to the market and then back home.from that day onwards,the donkey never dared to sit in the water again.

thanks for reading.....


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