Ingress, Antenna, Fyrstikken, Pyramids & Actifit

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)


I was busy most of the day, so updating this post finally. This post will be as random as many I’ve recently posted.

Ingress & Antennas

As per the subject, I spent yesterday morning hanging out with my husband on his usual weekend Ingress adventure. I’m not going explain the game, you can google it if you’re interested. As long as you have an android phone or iPhone and gmail account, you can download and play. The group that built Pokémon Go started with Ingress. In fact, the Pokémon Gyms and Poké Stop locations are Portals submitted originally by Ingressers. Ingress is much more adversarial than Pokémon, it’s a factional war game with much more strategy than catching Pokémon. You meet some strange characters in real life playing the game... I’ve listened to my husband be verbally abused on the phone by a factional crazy on the other side, I’ve been followed and harassed. Still, it’s mostly a great game that takes you outdoors. I use it for fitness and prefer it primarily for running or cycling.

Normally, I’m at home doing Steemit or out for my own run. Our children were at Chinese School, so it’s 3.5 hours of children-free time. That morning, he mentioned he was going to a location where reception was terrible because he wanted to test out his new Yagi /Grid Array antenna. My husband is a massive Ingress nerd. I was more of a nuisance than helpful. As always, I griped the whole way: “Are we there yet?” I did try to be useful, I offered to carry the antenna pole. :)

Anyway, I make a point to ingress with him sometimes to keep him company. I don’t play as much as I used to. He doesn’t actually need me, but it’s nice to trundle along. It’s just part of taking an interest in your spouse. After all, he reads all my writing, provides feedback on all creative pieces I do, it’s the least I could do is hold that antenna upright for a few minutes.

We decided it wasn’t as effective as it he expected and that it was more trouble than it was worth. Still, more testing is required. So in total, it was around 6k steps.

Fyrstikken & Pyramids

Later that evening I did 4k on my elliptical listening to SteemSpeak. @fyrstikken was online and was in a philosophical mood. He was talking about Ancient Egypt, mythology and all kinds of interesting stuff. :) He sparked some ideas for my novel that is based on a realm inspired by Ancient Egypt. More specifically, it relates to the Pyramids in my novel. The idea that a Pyramid could be a power generator and not just a burial chamber falls in line with what they represent to me in my fictional world. Anyway, I was quite inspired today to chat about my project with my husband. I try not to give spoilers on what I have planned because I like his reactions, but I couldn’t resist running it past him on my twist, and how I see the ending playing out. I was pleased he gave me the thumbs up!

There may be some who don’t agree, but I’m not going to judge Fyrstikken on past actions, only my observation of him now. I enjoy chatting him and I appreciate his directness. He seems like a reasonable guy as long as you’re not a dick. He deeply believes in the success of the STEEM blockchain, he brings in Investors, and he has a lot to share if you’re willing to listen. He’s not someone who is afraid of speaking his mind, and he’s fast becoming one of the more entertaining steemians for me. Through him, I’m considering attempting to do audio narration for my novel! I called a lady up who will do a private session and she had so many interesting things to say. I’m excited to learn more. ❤️

If you have a spare vote and want to vote for someone who is committed to the growth of our STEEM investment, then please consider voting for his witness, @fyrst-witness.

Oh, and while you’re at it, consider voting for @ausbitbank, @ocd-witness (run by @acidyo) & @jackmiller. All good Witnesses who care about the health and the communities of the STEEM blockchain. ❤️

Finally, give @actifit a go!



Always interesting to read about myself in a third person perspective, thank you for that :) Refreshing.

Hehe, I didn’t expect a comment! But made me smile though. :)

Sounds like an odd game. Everyone here is addicted to Pokemon Go, so much so that there have been a number of drivers hitting and killing kids due to them playing Pokemon Go while driving and not paying much attention to their driving. ...hmm.... that sentence seems more awkward than it should... gimme a break, I'm cruising on 3 hours of sleep here. I think the game was patched to not allow play during driving a few months after release largely due to these accidents. These AR games seem a bit strange to me. But at least Ingress sounds a little more appealing than Pokemon.

Both Ingress and Pokémon Go are speed locked. According to hubby, Pokémon has a stricter speed limit for now too. I’m not a fan of Pokémon Go. I’m only a fan of Ingress because I like the game system, but the community and some of the terrible in-game behaviors....not so much. So I steer clear of Ingressers in general even though my husband is very involved. It gets very personal, very quickly in the game. But if you want to use the game as a tool to explore and meet others, there’s that element too. I’m quite anti-social though, I usually only meet the enemy faction because they know where to find me since I’m trashing their portals and fields. 😂

3 hours sleep? Go rest! I have not read Dune in the last few days. Been all over the place, but I’ll try to get back to it soon.

Unfortunately 3 is somewhat normal. 5 is more normal, but the former is common enough. The problem is my kids will wake up around 5 so I do too. Therefore I need to get to bed around 9 or 10pm. I know this. Yet when 9 rolls around and part of my brain says "sleep time", another part of my brain says "the kids are asleep, you finally have free time, let's do stuff". Stuff being steemit entries, chatting on discord, editing photos, reading wikipedia, reading Dune, working on my webpage which I will someday relaunch, translating haiku, and dozens of other things. Midnight comes and the responsible part of my brain says, "Ok, you really need to go to bed. Kids will be up in 5 hours". Sometimes I listen and other times I ignore it and instead listen to the voice that says "but... STUFF". Morning David always wakes up with angry words for evening David. Fucking asshole. But then I have coffee and feel better and evening comes and the cycle repeats.

You’re like me then, trying to steal time. I’m beginning to think it’s killing me...I’m sick again. You and I need to do what jackmiller suggested and draw up a business plan. I need a strategy on what the heck I’m trying to achieve here. -sigh- I’ll PM you later to whine about it privately. 😑

Always sick? Me too, lately. Well not entirely true. I have been well this summer so far, but last winter... I swear I was sick the entire winter. I blame my oldest. I didn't get sick like this before he started school. haha anyway, tell me about Jack Miller. Feel free to whine later all you need. I will probably be up, doing stuff.

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