Celebrating 666 Followers, Thank You Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

 We have reached another milestone since our last followers celebration post, but this time we waited for a bit to be able to share this post.  We’ve got 666 followers on Steemit everyone, so thanks for following and supporting us in our journey to tell our stories, both past and current.  In the past year we’ve been able to support ourselves sharing the daily story of our lives as well as our recent past (and still technically current) adventures of life on the run from the United States government.   

  Learning to blog in an efficient way while telling everything I want has been an interesting challenge.  Remembering stressful times like the days before crossing the border and the days after has been even harder.  My biggest regret in my on the run adventures was that I didn’t keep a log, somewhere of everything that happened as it happened.  Even a bullet list of events would have done me wonders, as it seemed like John and I remembered so much of it differently.   

 Sharing our lives here and what we’ve managed to do with nothing has been my favorite part.  I appreciate the feedback I get on my posts, especially recently, as well as the money.  The money pays my bills and feeds me, making it so I can prioritize sharing my story with you all.  Something to consider is that if Steemit were not a platform which you could make money on, I wouldn’t be able to spend the time to share these posts with you.  It’s not all about the money but the money is important in times like these.

 So why did we wait until 666? We planned this in advance; it was John’s idea.  He’s looked more into the significance of numbers, especially controversial ones like 666 far more than I have.  It took a bit of research, with some Google-foo help from John to find why he thought it was a good idea to wait for 666.  Putting it simply, 666 is really a number of rebellion in the best way possible.

 It’s known as the number of the beast and it’s a huge topic among Christian religions in particular. A bit of Googling on my part found that the Jehovah’s Witness Church sees it as a metaphor for the utter failure of the political system. 6 is less than 7, making it am imperfect number in God’s Eyes.  Its written three times for emphasis, to show it’s a really big failure.  Interesting metaphor, but now what I was looking for.

 If you see these numbers and feel anxiety or fear, you are suffering from hexakosiohexakontahexaphobia which is the fear of the number 666.  A good friend once told me fear is just a response to things you don’t understand, and chances are if you’re afraid of this number you aren’t aware of the actual meaning behind it.  Something to consider is that in the original Greek texts, the Devil’s number was actually 616, not 666.

Upon further research I found that this number is linked to: sensitivity, charity, compassion, peace, stability, harmony. Sounds super scary, right? One source said “this number allows you to maintain a childlike wonder regardless of what you go through in life.”  That one resonated me, as it could be used as a reminder of good things rather than a reminder of everything bad, like most of society would have you believe. Another source says it’s directly linked to abundance, luck and optimism, all things that many of us are trying to achieve in our lives.    

  British occultist Aleister Crowley called himself The Beast 666 reportedly keeping alive a childhood nickname given to him by his mother.  Raised by uber-religious parents, he instead chose to rebel in just about every way learning the nickname that he liked imediately, embraced and honestly ran with.  He had some interesting views, including one that says he feels the whore of Babylon, The Beast 666 and the Great Dragon were all sent to bring about an end to the current system, and a better more free world.    

While some of the stuff I read was enough to make even me roll my eyes, there was an underlying theme and that was that this number is indeed grossly misunderstood.  If one really looks into it they’ll find the number has only been demonized recently, despite being an imporant part of symbology for thousands of years prior.  Like many things in our world the good things are often literally being redefined to mean something that no body wants anything to do with.  The simplest example that comes to mind for me is the word liberty, which means something completely different in modern day United States than it did even 100 years ago.   

So while much of what I read rubbed me wrong, some of it did resonate with me.  Particularly the part about the number being a symbol of rebellion.  Considering I am where I am today because of my acts of blatant rebellion, I’ll roll with it on this one.  I also am into those ideas of getting more abundance, luck and optimism in my life, how about you?

So thanks for following me here on Steemit, and if you’re just joining I highly suggest you look back at our first posts to find out more about us.  Long story short, we’ve defied all odds by going on the run to Mexico instead of facing heinous felony charges for Cannabis related crimes in the United States.  In a situation where it seemed clear there was no best option for us, we made our own with our feet and got to moving.  With help from friends we’ve been able to make it here and survive with pretty much nothing for the last year, nearly year and a half now.   

It’s not been easy but Steemit has helped.  Not only are we sharing our story as we planned to do originally.  We planned to share our story before we ever crossed the border, it was just a matter of making it to a safe place and restarting our lives to do so.  Steemit has assisted us in that rebuilding of our lives by giving us the platform to make money simply as a blogger posting about our lives.    

Steemit isn’t all we do, we’re in the process of expanding many projects that have been microbusinesses for us this past year into full fledged businesses.  This includes: glassblowing, farming, kombucha brewing, cannabis oil extracting, cooking and all sorts of other little ideas we have brewing. We want to do what we can to share more information about Acapulco and the surrounding areas for those considering this place as a new home base.   

 As our readers, if you’ve got any requests for what you want to hear more about, leave them in the comments.  Our reader base has changed so much as I’ve developed as a writer and we’ve developed as people, so let me know what you want to see more of.   

 Again, thanks for following and supporting us, until next time!


Congratulations on your 666 followers, i hope to get to that point !!

Beautiful shots..

ANO LIKE MORE 665 or 667 .......once you reach this ANONs sendin a big congrats!

Already passed :P



Great post, you guys have an interesting life. I heard about you from Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante :)

Thanks for the comment, we certainly don't live a boring life here. At times it can seem a bit too fast!

I feel the same, I try and live in the present moment now and try not to worry about the future too much. I think it's really important to try and do something you love, in my case it's art!

Thanks again, I love reading your posts :)

Thanks for the comment and support! It's something I struggle with every day myself!

xD what a delightful milestone

Congratulations on the milestone!

Congratulations on your milestone!steem on:)

Congratulations!! enjoy you :)

Crazy. You must have something good to offer.

A crazy story and a reminder that anything is possible!

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