Busy Week! What's New At The Homestead.

This is Miss Piggy. I will be doing a post on intergrading aggressive quail, hopefully successfully.

It has been a busy week at the homestead. I feel like as soon as the sun is up and shining it starts and doesn't stop until the sun has retired for its nap and the moon has fully awakened.

One of the things I am most excited about this week is the arrival of three new quail.
Last week I went up to get a few young girls to add some new genetics into my flock. The breeder only had six left and was been super busy, so she hadn't looks to see how many females she had out of the six. I decided to drive up there and see for myself. They were not quite old enough to be sexed, but the breeder was experienced, she said her educated guess was usally dead on. I arrived and we looked at the babies. The verdict, two females in the bunch and one male escaping, giving me the chance to practice my ninja skills and catch him. After the male was put away and the two females were loaded up, I turned around and saw a single blond quail sitting in a cage all by herself. She looked t me with intelligent, thoughtful eyes. I asked what was going on with the blond in the corner, feeling like a Bro picking up a chick in a barn. The breeder replied that after she took out the males this female started hurting her hens and being aggressive. She didn't know what happened, or what she was going to do with her. I paused. I will take her, I said, and I did.

So three came home with me, Miss Piggy and the babies Tweedle and Dee.

Tweedle and Dee.


Another thing with the quail, my girl Harley Quinn hurt her beak. Not sure how, but she split it up on the top. I have been giving her oyster shell and mealworms because she dropped a little weight and I want to make sure she is getting enough calcium.

Harley Quinn making her way down the ramp, with a sore beak.

I had to put her in her own spot for a few days until her beak was scabbed over well so the others would pick on her.

Poor little one.

But she is back and happy and gaining weight! For a while there I had quail all over the place.

Harley Quinn checking out Miss Piggy.

And the quail are back to laying eggs! Hurray!


The garden has been doing well, I have put in tons of work the last few weeks. It has only been two months that I have been taking it seriously and really working at it.


The tomatoes are going to crazy! I pick tons them everyday and the next day they have replaced themselves like magic. I will be dreaming of these days come winter. Been bringing tomatoes to the neighbors, making friends.



First watermelon! Its getting bigger everyday.


First cantaloupe harvest, so good. This is the first time I have grown them.




Breakfast thanks to the garden. Cantaloupe with Greek yogurt, quail eggs and applesauce. Country Living Good.


My seeds are going well, and the kale and spinach. They have been in for a week and a half.


My black beans are drying out finally, I had trouble with them and am not going to get a high yield. I will do a black bean post.


First bell pepper of the year, yum!


Made this system for organizing the harvest for the garden this week, so everyday I can get a visual of what I have to cook or preserve.

Thank you so much for looking and reading. If you like this post, lets be friends and follow me. I have been on steemit for two weeks now. I am truly grateful to everyone for their support and love. You have made my first blogging experience wonderful.
Big Love.


cuteness level:1000
i will follow your account to see how are you doing;) please follow me

Thank you @hauntedbrain, I will have a look at your page. Have a great day!

That looks like a bumper crop! What kind of apples are those?

I think they are Fuji's, but I am not sure. My husbands grandfather brought the seedlings up from Southern California. They are sweet and tangy. Thanks for reading my blog @creativetruth!

What gorgeous quail and aren't their eggs little works of art. I love gathering them. I'm so glad I happened upon your channel. I'm new too. I was browsing through the homesteading posts. I look forward to seeing what you get into next.

So nice to meet you, I'm glad you liked my post. I look forward to talking with you in the future. Thank you for reading my blog @themerrylotus!

Looking good on the Homestead! Great Update!

Thank you @wholesomeroots! Hope your having a great week.

Will love to see a video of those ninja skills! amazing homestead you have there, one new follower here. I'm trying to make my own garden.

They are more impressive in writing I'm afraid. Thank you, I'm looking forward to talking with you about your garden!

Right now it's just a bunch of pots growing in a backyard but I'm looking to buy some land and see if I can live like that, I hope it all goes well, but I'm in Spain and climate it's great, not as the politics. will be following you for more!

Do you have a male in with the aggressive female now? if not is she still aggressive. I had to get a rooster for my chicken hen flock to calm the hens down and stop the in fighting, it worked pretty good. Good Luck, keep us posted.

I do have a aggressive rooster, Thor. Miss Piggy is not with the birds now. I'm trying a slow intro, I will make a post on it. They have been looking at each other through cages, with a few in person intros so I can gauge progress. I am hoping she will calm down, I think she is scared from all of the change she was in the middle of when I got her.

Good the injured quail is seeming to be recovering well, your homestead sure seems to be doing well thats a good lot of quail eggs

A lot of work I am sure but worth it for the fresh and homegrown produce I am sure

I love knowing where my food comes from, that connection is part of our DNA. Thank you for reading and replying @tattoodjay.

Doing quite well and looking good! Keep up the good work. How many quail eggs does it take to equal a chicken egg?

I think anywhere from four to five, depending of individual birds egg size. Mine are pretty big. The nutritional value is much higher in their eggs. So more cracking, more minerals. Thank you @basictoliving!

The bird names are hilarious.
I also love how I can read Ocean Kayaking on your sweatshirt. Sounds fun.

Thanks @happymoneyman! The sweatshirt is from Catalina Island where I learned to dive. It was really fun!

So much is going on at your place! Glad that Harley Quinn's beak is healing up, congrats on your. Ew additions to the flock, and good on ya for picking up the blonde in the corner! Your veggies and fruits look amazing! How do you keep the critters from biting into your melons??

The melons are safe for now. Only the free range animals are the cats and they leave the garden alone with a little training. The wild critters seem to be happy with the apple tree and wild berries around so I think I got lucky. Thanks for the support @jaymorebeet!

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