More About Me and My Life - Introduction Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

I posted an introduction when I very first started but I didn't give a lot of information, so here I am again exposing more of my life to you guys.

I first created my account in 2016 but didn't actively start using it until this month. I didn't quite get it and understand the potential at the time. Now that I do, I wish I had started back when I created my account. Nonetheless, better late than never I guess.

I am a 34 year old, divorced father of 2 girls (15 and 8 years old). They are what motivates me to get up and do what I've got to do to support them each and every day. Raising a teenage girl is not easy and to think I'm going to do it twice makes me lose sleep at night. I'm sure some of you can relate.


I am currently working in the IT field for a cell phone providers call center. I do everything from server and networking installations to supporting the end users and their desktops. It was a great opportunity to get exposed to many different technologies and just being in a corporate IT environment. I have learned a lot about the field and what it takes to get your foot in the door when it comes to IT jobs. Very eye opening and a headache at the same time. The simplest things become so hard when you have to deal with the politics of the business world.

Outside of my career I also have a youtube channel which was originally gaming related but since my interest into crypto currency grew I have made the switch. This has motivated me even more to take part in Steemit and use my YouTube channel to help promote the advantages of Steem. I tend to post a lot of videos related to cloud mining and following my investments. The money I make from Steemit posts and from cloud mining goes directly to fund activities with my two girls, our vacations and weekend trips basically.

When I'm not at work, with my girls or making youtube videos then you will find me in the gym doing another thing I love which is fitness. I train like a mix of a powerlifter and bodybuilder, it is an addiction to say the least. It is my escape from life and I couldn't imagine my life without it.


Thanks for welcoming me again Steemit community, I hope you enjoy my posts and YouTube channel! Blessings to your and your families!


bienvenido a esta comunidad, los hijos son el mejor motor!

follow, si quieres hechale un vistazo a mis post

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