What's the "Not a financial Advice" thing about.... Is this your question? Then read this.

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago

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Hello friends and famz in this communinty,I hope you're all good and keeping well. Welcome to my blog once again, I trust you enjoyed my last publication. It's my pleasure to bring you a new one today.

We will be considering a statement we see again and again each time we go in search of fact and valuable stuffs on finance related topics on the internet or from some online experts in the field of finance.

Am sure the statement "Not a financial Advice" is not new to many of us who research extensively. Let look into this together. Do Get a cup of coffee and relax as we do this together.


The statement Not a financial advice is now an household statement in the financial realm,maybe it wasn't like this initially but something must have triggered this statement so much so that it can't be excluded from tutorial, opinions and idea shared on the internet as touching finance even though they sound credible and authentic.

I have personal experience along this lind. I have seen a well detailed lesson on a particular crypto related subject that was well taught with so much proofs and validity,yet the person who gave the lecture said he is not giving a financial advice. Why is this so? I guess it the same question in the mind of many reading this right now especially the newbies.

The reason is not far fetched. Making this statement is a form of disclaimer which protect whoever is sharing whatever useful information.

What is a Disclaimer

According to my Easy English Dictionary it means

disavowal; disclaimer: denial of any connection with or knowledge of

Now a disclaimer in this contest is an outright denial of being connected to whatever information he or she shares with you. It therefore mean if something contrary happens after trying out the ideas being shared or lessons being taught,he won't be held liable.

I won't be wrong to say that disclaimer means "you are at your own risk".It doesn't matter how factual or accurate the information is, If you decide to act on it,you should be ready to face whatever consequence that comes with it without dragging them in or pointing fingers at them.

Since it's risky,it a 50/50 chance meaning it could turn out well and it could also be the other way round. Although some information are so accurate and precise but it won't be dished out until disclaimers like this are made because it involves money.

Why the Disclaimer?

The reasons is not far fetched. I will be highlighting some point and also shed more light on some of the point I've pointed out prior to this section.

  • Involvement of money.

Anything involving money is to be handled with care. Money is not easy to come by. So if you as an analyst which could be an experienced trader in this case wants to share your view and idea,you have to be very careful so that people don't bank so much on your words and take action based on what you have said.

They could lose their money. And when this happens,they could track you and jail you.This is why expert make the statement "Not a financial advice" which automatically shift the consequences of whatever statement they made.

  • Risk

This financial market is very risky i.e forex,crypto etc. It is so risky that they Influencers don't always want to appear to sure and 100% accurate before their viewer or audience even though they have proofs for their claims.

The market can really be funny. It could assume this state this minute and then the next minute,it off the posture. Volatility is one of the feature of the financial market. Someone might be analysing what he feels the market will be in the next one hour and then someone hears and takes action two hours later.

The analysis was only relevant for the next one hour but someone (I.e a newbie) who heard and felt good about whatever he heard took action very late and then got something contrary.

You can be sure what that kind of person will do to the so called adviser. This is why experts try to stay away from stories that touches the heart by making that statement.

  • Reputation

Most of the people who share their thoughts and give this useful information are mostly experts with so much experience. They are very careful not to commit themselves to what have being shared so that their images are not tarnished. Many of these people have huge fan base and would not want to jeopardize it.

You hardly see someone who is an expert in this field of discussion share his thought and idea without including this statement. It just to protect their good name.

What is the expected of you

Since none of this expert (who have proven result) would want to admit or commit their integrity to what they have shared then you have to engage in what we call DYOR.

DYOR Means "Do your research" . You are expected to do your research after hearing people's idea and thought on financial matters . That is why you shouldn't force people to buy or invest in a project they just heard rumors about without checking it out themselves

There are so many influencers out there whose job is to put a project in the face of people telling them all manner of things so that they can win them over. DYOR helps balance this equation perfectly such that when you take a step,you take it from a very convinced state and not a persuasive state,based on what you were told.


"Not a financial" advisor will continue to be an household statement in the financial space because it's a way of playing safe yet helping others with what one knows. Don't forget that the way to balance whatever information you get is to do your own research.

I trust you learnt one or two things from this writeup. Kindly leave in the comment section what you feel about this topic. I would be more than happy to read through your comment. Thanks for your time


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Welled explain topic

Thank you friend. I appreciate.

Most people say that because they dont want to tarnish their reputation. They dont want to be hold responsible if thinks goes wrong in the future.

Thanks brother, exactly my point. Thanks for dropping by and for encouraging me with your comment.

Well explained too..
I have learnt a whole lot from your blog

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