in HeartChurch3 years ago

Fear Not.


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Fear simply means to be afraid, anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event. Believers are not supposed to entertain fear,fear is of the devil and it's one of the major tool the devil uses in cheating people out of glorious experiences and certain move towards greatness.


The devil likes to take advantage of people's fear when in the midst of certain situations or circumstances. Our God is loving and fear is not associated with Him,we have seen instances in the scripture where angels had to tell God's children not to fear on seeing them simply because fear is not associated with God neither has he given us the spirit of fear.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind - 2Tim 1:7

We can see from the scripture that God has not given us the spirit of fear neither does He allows us to relate with Him in fear. What God has given us is the Spirit of power,love and sound mind.

Most time the devil brings thoughts to our hearts that scares us,these thought gives the devil access into our lives and activity if brooded upon because his goal is clear,he wants to cheat believers and take advantage of their live. That's why the scripture admonishes us to be very mindful of his tricks. Fear is one of those old tricks the devil uses.

According to researchers,the Bible contains 365 places where the word fear not appears,his reason why this word was reapeated over and over again is for emphasy, and the message is clear enough.God doesn't raise his children with the fear of the unknown. I can liken the 365 times to 365 days we have in a year,meaning God is telling us daily not to be afraid to face tomorrow because he is with us. We are not to be afraid of what doesn't exist in the first place.

Many of the things we're afraid or are also afraid of us because we are children of the most high,if only this can sink into our conscioness,we will really lead a victorious life. There are so many false picture appearing real to us,they are false,they ain't real and we shouldn't be afraid of them..

Fear kills and can make you do irrational things, it could force you into doing things you really would not do if you weren't under it influenr and the sad part of it is that the regret will keep hunting you especially when you find out that what you assumed to be real was actually a mirage.


Friend,fear not and be courageous,God has not given you the spirit of fear,you have the spirit of boldness,you're like your father in heaven,you have the same Spirit as His.

I call you blessed.

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