Contest - The Importance of Time Management.




It feels good to be participating in this contest organized by @shiftitamanna in this noble Community. I found the contest topic interesting and then decide to share my two cents about the topic.
I really do hope you find my entry for this contest interesting even as I present using the guidelines given.
So guys let's get into it right away.

How necessary is the "Time Management" in our lives today?

I beg to say that time management is not only necessary but very important if we must be productive people. Moreso, a time lost can never be regained or recovered. Many people out there still live in regrets because of the time they wasted in the past.



Am sure if such people were to be given an opportunity to speak about time, they would do it with so much authority and conviction in their voice and that's because they have come to realize how important it is to maximize time.

Time management helps us achieve laid out goals within a definite time frame. It saves us from carrying over Important activities thereby helping us achieve even the smallest task we have set our heart to work on.

How helpful is time management to create order in our lives?

Time management has been helpful in no small way. As it helps us priotize our activities. When you understand the essence of time, you won't priotize less important thing over the Important ones. There is time for everything, take for example, a student that is suppose to be in class learning should not be found outside when it's not time for break or recess

That will be an abuse of time because he is doing the right thing at the wrong time which is detrimental to his academic progress. Time indeed brings order to our activities, giving us a good line up on how we should handle them if not everything we do will be distorted and we might end up not getting the best out of our routines.

How do you manage your daily time according to important tasks?

Well am into livestock farming and the nature of my job always warrant that I priotize my activity according to how important they are. Feeding my animals is of utmost importance and it has to be at the right time. Doing other farm activities at the expense of feeding them as at when due would tell on the livestock.



Since I understand that there is time for everything, I allot time for my daily activities, of course feeding them is not the only thing I do, I also observe them to know how they are healthwise, I also take out time not only to feed them but make their feeds. I carry out supervisory activity around the farm as well.

All of these activities have their time frame, if I delay on any or lag in anyway, it affects the other activities such that I might have to postpone till the following day. Hence the need to be disciplined with time and maximize it use to the fullest.

What lessons have you learned by using time management?

I've learnt a whole lot working with time, am not there yet when it comes to time, I still need a lot of discipline. I have few lesson I've learnt about time and would love to share with y'all.

• I've learnt that postponing or procrastinating activities is not actually the best way to maximize time. Procrastination is a big stealer of time.

• Being discipline when it comes to time is key as it will help you achieve your plans and even more.

• A time conscious person can be trusted because he will always deliver. I mean no one is ready to give a productive task to a time waster, you can be sure that the end result will be loss of time and unproductivity.

• Any time lost can not be regained, hence the reason why to put in your best to maximize every bit of time you have to do things.

• There is time for everything under the sun, do not do the right thing at the wrong time neither should you do the wrong thing at the right time. Both can be very dangerous.

How do you do your time management or any method you have ?

I simply do this by creating a to-do for myself which of course is arranged according to how important they are and then I follow it up one after the other. I also do well to allot time to these activities. There are task I do in the day and there are others I do at night because these are the suitable time of the day they would be perfectly done.


Time management is key and it benefit cannot be overemphasized, let us always bear in mind that time waits for no one and whatever time we lost is gone forever. If we have this mindset, we would do better with whatever little time we have for whatever task at hand.

Let's also do well to allot time for leisure as well as it bring balance to the whole picture. Our time should not only be for some serious activities as there is time for everything. Thanks you so much for your time. I would love to invite @waqarahmadshah @de-creata @newekemini5


 7 months ago 

Time management is a topic that never gets old. Procrastination, as you mentioned, is indeed a big time stealer, and discipline is key. Like you, I also try to schedule tasks according to their importance and when I'm most productive. Thanks for inviting me, I'll try to participate. Good luck in the contest! 😊

 7 months ago 

Hello my friend, thank for your Valuable comment, seem to be a little busy lately to reply your comment. Am glad you can relate with my line of thought. Thanks and happy New week!

 7 months ago 

Great job on participating in the contest! Your entry on the importance of time management is well-written and insightful. I completely agree that time management is crucial for productivity and achieving our goals. Your example of prioritizing activities, such as feeding your animals on time, demonstrates the practical application of time management in your daily life. I also appreciate the lessons you've learned about time management, especially the importance of discipline and avoiding procrastination. Overall, your entry is informative and engaging. Keep up the good work!

 7 months ago 

Thank you dear friend, your comment shows you took go through my entry. Yes, we need to be disciplined when it comes to managing our time. It's is key. Gracias.

Procrastination is the stealer of time as we know, that's why it's very essential for man to be master of his time. Doing the right thing at the right time without being slothful is key cause once lost, only grace bring back those times.

Thanks for dishing out these reality sir.

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much dear friend. Yea! Doing the right thing at the right time is very important. This is actually onenof the ways to maximize the use of time.

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