Hello Steemit ! You have a traveler and a lover of trading

Okay, so hello everyone !

Le vieux ours

My name is Gabriel but people call me "le vieux ours" or "the old bear" for English speakers.
I share my two passions here : the trip and trading of cryptocurrencies. I think it's a very good mix. I am even convinced!

About me

But let's talk about myself. I was born in France in a town near the mountain. I think this explains why I love nature. Since I was little, I travel a lot too. I always do it. I want to share these trips with you. Nature is beautiful so why deprive yourself? I realize each time some photos so instead of keeping them for me I want to share them with you!!

Recently I started in the world of trading and especially in the trading of cryptocurrencies. However, I am still only a novice. That's how I want to evolve with you by showing you my techniques and listening to your advice if you have any!

I propose you a cocktail of nature and trading. Two passions in one: cryptonature

In order to please everyone, I will also write articles in French but I can very well turn them into English. You will tell me all that!

In short it's a new beginning for me I hope not to be too clumsy. I want to evolve with you. Do not hesitate to ask me your questions, I'm sure together we can do great things.

In fact

For those who already know me. I am the former owner of the levieilours account. Having lost the password of my account, you can find me here!


Wellcome to steemit

Goodlock in steemit.com

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Following you

Welcome to steemit @levieuxours wish you great success here.

Thank you very much !

Congratulations @levieuxours, you have decided to take the next big step with your first post! The Steem Network Team wishes you a great time among this awesome community.

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Hello et bienvenue !
Je suis le bot de @roxane spécialement créé pour t'accueillir car je ne savais plus trop où donner de la tête avec tous les nouveaux Steemiens francophones qui arrivent chaque jour !
Je m'excuse de ne pas pouvoir t'accueillir personnellement mais j'espère qu'on aura très prochainement l'occasion de se rencotnrer !
En attendant, je t'ai préparé une série d'articles et de vidéos pour t'aider à mieux Comprendre-Steem (il y a même un guide à télécharger avec tout tout tout ce que tu dois absolument savoir pour débuter!). Tu peux aussi consulter mon profil :-)
N'hésite pas à me contacter si tu as des questions sur le fonctionnement de Steem !
A bientôt !

Nice to meet you, @levieuxours! Welcome to Steemit!

Bonjour compatriote !

Je te follow...

Bonjour à toi camarade, merci beaucoup !

Hey! Welcome to steemit!

I actually just joined a couple days ago, lets follow each-other and support each-other through this new venture!

Happy New Year!

Thanks, Happy New Year @entrepreneur916 !

Great to have you back @levieuxours (levieilours)

Sad that you lost the password for the other account...

Do you have other interest within the crypto world, other than trading? Or is trading your passion?

Hello @johnasp96,

Trading is my passion but I love the blockchain and search altcoins to see their project :)

How great!

I am going to be writing about my crypto projects, which means i will be posting about my investments, explorings and experiences with crypto along the road.

Sounds interesting?

if you are going to be writing a lot of crypto posts, then I am more than happy to follow you :)

Great, I'll watch that then! :)

What is sounds ? I do not know yet!

Oh I ment "does it seem interesting?"
That is what I ment by "sounds interesting?"

Just posted my first introduceyourselfpost here on Steemit, I would appreciate if you took a look at it!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 58169.95
ETH 3145.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.38