The Brainwashing Of The Human Race!

in #conspiracy7 years ago


This is part 3 of our series. I haven't been labeling them, because they are stamped with dates, so if anyone was lost, now you know. Tonight, I want to talk about how the elite have brainwashed everyone on this planet except of course themselves and their own children. Now, again, keep in mind, this brainwashing started a very long time ago, so we have been passing down this brainwashing to our children generation after generation. Let me ask you a question. Does anyone believe that their parents had it all together, and they did not make any mistakes when raising you? I don't think there is anyone that naïve. All of our parents made mistakes, because their parents and their parents parent's made mistakes. None of them really knew how to raise children. They either tried to copy what there parents did, or the went totally or partially against what their parents did, but either way, they weren't perfect.

Let me elaborate a little bit on what I am trying to say. Everybody love's babies, right? When babies come into this world, they do not have any beliefs or hang ups or prejudice at all. Now you tell me, how does that loving, happy, smiling innocent baby become a Son of Sam or a Jack the Ripper. One word, society. That innocent child listens to it's parents, teachers, peers, friends, neighbors, ect. ect. and from that, plus their own experiences, they form beliefs, and for the most part, those beliefs (at least the majority of them) were flawed concepts that other people, (well meaning people) foisted upon them.

Now I don't have a degree in psychology, but I did study it for 2 years in college and I have studied it outside of college for the last 20+ years, because it's something that interests me and there have been a lot of good books written about the subject. I have always been curious about what makes people do the crazy things they do. One fact I learned in psychology, is that the subconscious mind does not discriminate and it accepts everything it is told. If someone calls me a dummy, I may reject that on a conscious level, but if I hear the same thing over and over (even if it's the same person saying it over and over) my subconscious will begin to believe it's true and it will act accordingly. That is why you should be very careful what you say to your kids, or to any kid. I got a little off the subject so I am going to get back to it now.

I don't know the exact year's of all the things I know in my head and I really don't want to google it, but I do know for a fact, that sometime around the 1980's subliminal commercials became very popular. You can find videos on YouTube about this. You can also find video's of early Disney cartoons where the cartoon characters flashed the devil hand sign that some movie stars and politicians use. This is where you hold the 2 middle fingers with the thumb and it creates what looks like devil horns. It's the "not so secret anymore" illuminati hand sign to say, look at me, I'm one of you. YouTube has a lot of great video's about the sick things that go on behind the scenes in America. Stop watching cat video's and check some of them out.

Television(or what I like to refer to as the boob tube or(tell a vision) is one of the most powerful brainwashing tools there is. Why do you think they call a show a "program"? Why do producers and directors and writers call it "programming"? It's because, that's what it is. I like to compare people's brains to a computer hard drive and the information they get in the world from other people and from TV and advertising and from society in general, software. And not just any software, this software is full of viruses (misinformation, lies, half truths, out dated belief systems) Are you getting the picture. What is it they say about computers and programming? Isn't it " junk in, junk out or something like that? Have you ever once in your life, sat down and wrote out your beliefs on a piece of paper so that you could examine them to see if any of them are still valid. If you haven't, you might want to try doing that.

My point here is, simply put, we have been brainwashed for so long on this planet, that very few people know what the real truth is, and for selfish purpose's, they are keeping the rest of us in the dark so they can continue to manipulate and exploit us, and rob us blind, while the continue to get richer and richer. And, one other thing I want to point out is, once they figure out how to make human like robots, to serve their every need, then they won't need us anymore at all. Think about it.

Now that we understand what the problem is, what are some things we can do to fix it? One thing we can do is fix the education system. And just so you know, it's not really an education system at all. It's really a system of indoctrination. Look it up in the dictionary. We are being indoctrinated, into an old system that has been around for a very long time and it as designed to control the masses and keep them dumbed down so they would not ask too many questions. That is why the "education" system teaches you what to think and not HOW TO THINK. You are taught to follow the rules, go out and get a good job (as opposed to showing you how to start your own business or showing you how to follow your passion or helping you discover what your are really good at) work hard for 40 years, keeping your nose clean and climbing up the latter to the better paying jobs. And of course here in America, we are encouraged to get married, have a couple of kids, blah, blah, blah.

I am no longer in the rat race. Are you? Do you get up every morning (or every afternoon if you work nights) and go to work at a job you hate or dislike. Do you live in a big city and fight the traffic jams. Do you have to work weekends? Do you drink a lot or do drugs when your not working just to escape for awhile before you have to go back to your boring job? Do your days off just fly by? Do you get to spend quality time with your loved one's? Do you feel trapped? These are questions you should be asking yourself. If your life sucks, you can take action and fix it. You can! But, you have to want to change very badly. You have to be hungry for it. You have to get off your ass and stop being a fucking debt slave. No one else can do it for you. Anything you every wanted to know about is on the internet. Use it. Find something you really want to do and learn about it instead of getting drunk or watching tv or sleeping. Get involved in the movement to dethrone the elite, and make them give us back the trillions of dollars they have stolen from us. Stop spending your money on the latest new gadgets every year, and save or invest your money, or use it to start your own business. Put your money in a small family back or a small credit union. Stop buying products from companies that are poisoning you and your family with genetically modified food ingredients, pesticides, chemicals. Go green! Help put these big corporations, who only care about one thing (money) out of business. Get your friends and neighbors together and educate them and band together. You may need them when the economic collapse happens.

That's all for today. In my next post, I think I want to talk about whistleblowers and who is legit as far as having the best most accurate information on the internet. I have been online since 1999 and I have come to know who is really telling the truth and who is still lying. We'll discuss it. Peace!


Great post. "Programming" that's a great way to put it. Today every "news" story creates such a divide. People today are told what to believe and there is no middle ground to come to sensible conclusions and beliefs. Keep the posts coming. Hopefully blockchain technology will take away the power from the "elites."

Thanks, and I am hoping the same thing in regards to the blockchain.

I agree! Upvoted and Followed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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