in #relationship7 years ago

This kind of behaviour is best explained by the branch of psychology called "attachment theory"

Psychologists discovered that infants attach to their caregivers along various anxiety and avoidance spectrums. That means some babies would cry when a mother leaves him and settle down when the mother returns. Some others would cry when she leaves but won't settle down when the mother returns. Some would outwardly show no sign of crying whether the mother leaves or returns and so on. Each situation was measured as per the anxiety level the infant was displaying and how much avoidance they showed to the caregiver. I am approximately summarising here for lack of space. The theory of attachment is very well explained in other references.
What is fascinating is that the baby internally imbibes the same method later on in life. He/she would quite likely attach to a partner when he or she reaches mating ages using the same technique he/she has used as a child

There are three components to love: attachment, caring and physical intimacy. Attachment is the first step. But people are known to have different capabilities and intensities in these three areas. In fact, it is even possible for a person to be attached to one person while caring for a second and having sex with a third. So love is a complex combination of powerful systems working together

Almost every woman has experienced the panic and uncertainty that occur when her man starts pulling away or withdrawing . Maybe it happens out of the blue, maybe something sparks it, either way, it’s a miserable feeling, one that leaves you feeling powerless and painfully insecure.

Women love being in relationships just as much as anybody in the world. But, like men, women have their reasons for pulling away and distancing themselves from their S.O’s. Here are a few to help you out if your ladylove is pulling away.

  1. She doesn’t feel encouraged.
    Women are people, in case you didn’t realize it earlier. We all need a push or simple appreciation for the things we do. Women need the same too. When women don’t feel encouraged by the people they spend their time and feelings on, they’re bound to keep their energies reserved for someone who will have something uplifting to say, no matter how little it may be.

  2. She’s tired.
    You’ve had a relationship with struggles written all over it and she’s at breaking point. She’s tried to fix things, make them better, changed habits to make keep the relationship alive and now, she’s spent from it. When a woman is tired of being in a relationship that held meaning, she’s bound to draw away.

  3. She can’t forgive you.
    You did something pretty unforgivable and despite presumably coasting over the issue, you realize that somewhere deep down, she hasn’t and is unable to forgive you. You’ve either got to find a way to work it out or you’ve got to let it go.

Here’s why she may have suddenly gotten cold on you, and there’s really only three possibilities:

  1. She lost interest in you.
  2. Another guy in the picture.
  3. Something is going on in her life that’s affecting her. See if she seems a little down towards everyone.
               Let's Go Back to ATTRACTION 

In other words, women don't choose who they're attracted to. They respond to behaviors, communication, confidence, and other triggers.
A woman doesn't want a guy who acts like one of her girlfriends! She doesn't need another friend!
So what do most guys do when they meet attractive women?
Of course. They act like a girlfriend! They ask how her day was and what she wants to do tonight, listen to her problems, offer to help, and kiss her ass until she finally says:
"Will You Act Like a Man Already?"
Women resent men that they can control. But the paradox is that they'll keep trying JUST TO MAKE SURE THEY CAN'T. You will always be tested. Get used to it.

Here's what to do:
If you ever experience one of the following:

  1. She acts more controlling.
  2. She is less interested in sex.
  3. You're being nicer and nicer, but she's only getting annoyed..

Do the following if she backs away:

  1. Put some space between you and her. Call her once for every three times she calls you.
  2. See her HALF as much as you're seeing her now.
  3. Get a life of your own and stop trying to be her servant.
  4. Take some time to reflect on any areas that you've made the mistake of acting like a Girly-Man, and stop it!

The next time a woman starts to pull away from you, think about the fact that you may be turning into an obligation for her. Instead of steering out of the skid, steer into it. Turn and walk in the other direction. Create twice as much distance as she did. Take twice as long to respond to her as she did to you. Put half the content she does into your emails and texts. Make yourself scarce. Give her space so she has time to wonder where you are, what you’re doing and who else you might be with. Make her work for your attention. Instead of being another obligation for her, be her refuge from all the other crappy obligations in her life.

Important Note:
Remember, women are emotional beings. Their emotions and interest towards you will fluctuate based on your actions towards her in the present time.



Hmm interesting read however try improve on your writing. Add interesting pictures in order to catch the eye...(reference it too)

Thanks for the advice. I will do better

You are will see the result if you improve ...even see how successful people style their post and do the same (go to trending and hot pages and copy and improve on their style)..focus on commenting in order to increase your followers and also earn a lot in smart and you will make it here...success

Yep that sounds about right...Hi I'm Kayleigh..thanks for sharing :) :)

Well, I kinda partially agree with you.
I think the best way to make a woman want to be with you is to be a person worth being with. So instead of your points 1 and 2 (see her half as much, call her once for every three times she calls and etc.) I would say - develop yourself, read, be smart, enjoy your job, be kind and confident.

And if the girl still doesn't want to be with you, I guess it's a good thing then.

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