photography of the beauty of red roses.

in Steem Japan3 years ago

red roses

Assalamualaikum beloved steemian friend, wherever you are, hopefully you are always healthy in the protection of ALLAH.

On this occasion tonight I will now post a red rose that I found at a friend's house when I visited to see the sick.

We can see for ourselves what the beauty of this red rose is.

This red rose has its own beauty as we can see in the picture below, let's see some photos that I took with the cellphone that I have now.

Roses are one of the flowers that are very much in demand by young women who say love to a woman they love, this is just a little bit of my short story about red roses. Thank you signed @lensaphoto.

red roses

red roses

red roses

red roses

red roses

red roses

red roses

red roses

Photo TakenOPPO A37
LocationNorth Aceh - forest
App Editor-

By @lensaphoto.

 3 years ago 

@lensaphoto さん、こんにちは。
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