Goldmatters Pocket Dump Challenge: My entry

in #pocketdump6 years ago



I decided to throw my hat in the ring for this contest organized by @goldmatters. It seemed weird at first showing to the world the contents in my boring pocket. But seeing the entries, I smiled a whole lot than I would on a normal day. Thank you @goldmatters for bringing up this awesome and fun contest.

As revealed in the picture, my pocket is pretty boring as at this time of writing this post. Just all these stuff laid on the office table.

I have my flash drive- for copying and easy transfer of official works

My work ID- it's not a must i carry this around my neck because I love being incognito sometimes. After all, it doesn't harm my pockets.

My Keys- Funny how i check on my keys unconsciously every time, it's a must I ensure its still breathing where it is,otherwise "sleep outside" will be my new name.

Other items are my earpiece, which has seen and experienced the dark ages down to the dawn of civilization. It's seen the good and the not so good times, bore with the unfair grip, twist and turns in search of a connection with the playing music.

My wallet, pen and the pocket sized book are my regular walk companion. I can't do anything without the trio in a way thatI feel empty and light in their absence.

so that's it, guys.

You can give the contest a shot by joining here before it ends tomorrow.

And while checking the contest out, do well to register using his link for your $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry


Thank you for participating

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