A Sad Venezuelan Reality

in #venezuela6 years ago

A Sad Venezuelan Reality

Hello friends of Steemit, a great and affectionate greeting for all of you

Today I want to tell you something very sad that happened to me; very early I went to the market to try to buy food, but unfortunately, everything is very expensive and few foods can be purchased, and for me it is really depressing to go to the municipal market of Puerto La Cruz, since there are many ugly things .

It was a very sad episode for me, because in addition to the filth, disorder and almost normal dirt there, this time I saw many more people rummaging through the trash, fighting like dogs and cats for the damaged waste and thrown there, hungry children and rickety old people asking for money to eat; young girls who do not spend more than 15 years pregnant, arguing in a queue to buy 1 package of rice, others in prostitution activities, delinquent boys, looking at each other to pass on the data and see who they choose to be their new victim of robbery, immoral merchants with the weight arranged to actually sell 600 grams and charge for an alleged weight of one kilogram, and policemen taking care of the delinquents and carrying a detainee to jail for making a fair claim; among the many irregularities observed there.

The truth that saddens me and I have it negatively recorded in my memory, without wanting to be erased and made me think too much, because how long will we live this?

And the most annoying, is that when I arrive at my house and turn on the television, I find the cheeky characters of this government so evil, who continue to justify and promise castles to people, and the most illogical thing is that there is still people who believe them; because this ruinous government has manipulated the people to the point of exhaustion and played with the needs of the poor, children, the elderly and, in general, all of us Venezuelans.

In this sense, with the new presidential elections they go crazy, giving more misery in bonuses and food to people to vote for them ...

Noble Citizin of Venezuela, let's not be stupid and have dignity, we should not sell our conscience for a handful of devalued bolivars and for a bag of food that hopefully will only last a few days.

We must fight to raise our homeland, because Venezuela belongs to all Venezuelans and we will not allow dream destroyers and the country to take over what does not belong to them; although now we suffer:

A Sad Venezuelan Reality


si es muy tristes hay hasta familias con sus hijos pequeños en eso se pelean por los restaurantes para quedarse con las bolsas de basura aqui el boulevar de sabana grande esta full de gente rebuscando en la basura y algunos no son de calle lo están por el hambre saludos

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