Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 2: Week5 || Steemit Decentralized social media,Centralization and Decentralization social media : Homework Task by @yousafharoonkhan

Hi friends, In this lecture from @yousafharoonkhan, I learn the difference between centralized and Decentralized social media. Among with I clear how to create our community in steemit blockchain. Thanks for making such a wonderful lecture to us.



Question Number 1:-

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms and Different between them?

In general, we use social media platforms to knowing new things, express our views, Knowing Trend, sharing our thoughts with everyone and many more needs, we use Social Media platforms.

At present, there are two types of Social Media Platforms Available. They are Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms. Both are very different and having a lit of Difference between them.

Decentralized Social Media Platforms:-

In Decentralized Social Media platforms, there is no control over our accounts. We can express our views, we can raise our questions, anything we can do, no one not possible to Edit or Delete our post without our permissions. Not possible to Block Our Account too.

Here we having complete rights to handle our account because our data not stored anywhere only need private keys to access it. Those keys only home our hand, no other way to get by others until we reveal those.

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Our activities all stored in Blockchain, So not possible to Delete or Edit by others.

In Decentralized Social Media, we are the owner of our account so we having full rights, No one not possible to Control it. Here we get complete freedom.

Centralised Social Media Platform:-

In Centralized Social Media platforms, we need to follow that organization or Platform rules. Otherwise, they simply delete/ ban our accounts.

Here that platform owner has full rights to control all users account. They can do anything without our permission. Here we can't do anything.

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For example- Lot of users Twitter Accounts, Facebook accounts, Even Youtube accounts also get suspended due to not following their rules. For taking those actions on users account, they not given any information too, simply banning accounts.

Here users listing Their Followers and content which they build from so many years of hard work. It's not fair. That's why now a lot of users looking for Decentralized Social Media Platforms.

Difference Between Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms:-



Privacy and Security:-

In Decentralized Social Media Platforms Our data not stored anywhere because this platform run on using Blockchain Technology so we get 100% privacy and Secure too.

But Coming to a Centralized Social Media Platform we don't get complete rights on our account. Because That platform owner controls us. For any changes, he can make a decision, no need for our permission.

Freedom On Sharing Our Thoughts:-

In Decentralized Social Media we can express our Thoughts freely, no one not possible to Stop us. No need to fear anything here. No one not possible to delete or Edit our Posts.

But coming to Centralized Social Media is not possible. Because we need to follow their system rules and regulation. So not possible to post anything here as per our needs.

If we violate their rules they simply delete our account or delete our posts too. Here all rights reserved to that project owner.

Baning And Removing Accounts

In Decentralized Social Media platforms, On banning our accounts not possible. Those private keys only hold by us, without those not possible to Delete or Edit our Account. Our data also not stored anywhere.

But coming to Centralized Social Media banning of accounts are quite common. Recently my Twitter account also get suspended without any reason. For raising my question also no reply. Due to this, I lost my followers which I build for the last 5 years.

Here without any reason, they can delete or suspend account very easily because they having control over our accounts.


This is the main difference between Decentralized and Centralized Social Media.

In a Decentralized Social Media platform, we can share our posts, messages from one platform to other platforms very easily.

For Example, we can send and receive Email messages from yahoo messages to Google Messengers. At the same time, we do vice verse too. Because those are Decentralized platforms.

But Coming to Centralized Social Media it's not possible. For Example on using Facebook, we can share messages to Twitter users only possible to share Facebook users only.

Like that we having a lot of Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Social Media Platforms.

Question Number 2:-

Which One is The Future of Social media? Decentralized or centralized Social media?

In my opinion, I strongly believe in future we see huge growth in Decentralized Social Media platforms. Because here we get freedom on expressing our thoughts, Control on our accounts, no banning, no need to follow any rules, no need to accept censorship rules remaining those.

All those features attracting a lot of users to use Decentralized Social Media Platforms.



So slowly it replaces centralized social media with Decentralized Social Media Platforms.

At present also we having a lot of Decentralised Platforms for sharing our views.

For Example, we had a Steemit platform for sharing our content here it is a good alternative to Facebook.

Dtube is an alternative for Youtube, Just like we have a lot of Decentralized Social Media platforms which offers a lot of features like Centralized social Media Platforms.

But the only issue is on Using Decentralized Social Media does not user-friendly like Centralized Social Media Platforms, That's why a lot of users not showing interest in using those but slowly on seeing its futures they usually jump to Decentralized Social Media platforms.

That's why I strongly believe Future is Decentralized Social Media. No doubt about it.

Question Number 3:-

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook??

I sharing my personal experience here. I having accounts in Steemit, Facebook, and Twitter too.

But I getting original knowledge, co tent or any information in steemit platform only.

In other social media like Twitter and Facebook, we get more Fake News than real News.

For posting any content we must follow their guidelines otherwise they simply ban our account.

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Recently my Twitter Account get banned due to engaging with CryptoCurrency. Not only mine lot of crypto-related users account get ban without any information to users.

In Centralized social media platforms, we don't have any rights to ask about those activities. Because platform owners having complete access rights on our accounts.

Centralized social media platforms earn money on selling our data. That's why we don't get data security here.

How much time we spend on Facebook or Twitter we don't earn a single penny also, But in steemit platform we earn some amount for any activity like upvoting, posting, curating others post we get real money here. At the same time, we earn good knowledge too.

In the steemit platform, we can share anything, no one not possible to ask us. We don't get any Ban or Suspend of our account. Here we earn money on doing any Activity.

Here all codes are open to all. Anyone can use those codes for their needs. Each user activity recorded in the Blockchain database. So anyone possible to visit other users activity openly. It providing content freedom and data security too.

On considering all those reasons I strongly say steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook

Question Number 4:-

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?

Yes, Steemit social media change a lot of users life. I am one of that person. For the last 4 years, I sharing, curating here. From this, I earn real money. That money is very useful for proving my self in surrounding my family.

I am an Indian Housewife, I have a lot of restrictions on financial matters. But after joining here I get financial freedom along with I can spend my money for my needs. So I don't depend on others for my needs.
And also helping others and offering my earnings for energy needs.



Now I am so happy 😊 , no words to express my feelings now. It gives one type of reputation in my family and I become a role model for My daughter. A lot of things changed automatically surrounding me.

Not only mine lot of steemians life's changes after joining here.

For earning here just needed any skills in any field is enough. No need other than that. Because here we having a lot of communities, based on our wish we work there.

For posting, curating we earn good money here. No doubt about it. There is no such a platform as that steemit in a world.

On other platforms not possible to earn this much money for posting, curating.

I am so proud to say I am a Blogger in Steemit Platform.

Question Number 5:-

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.

Here every user having equal chances of earning good real money here.

  • Posting Original content we earn money.

  • Curating Others posts: upvoting, commenting other posts we earn money here.

  • Power Up Your steem, from this we can increase our citing power so we get good curating returns.

  • From Delegating our steem power also we earn.

  • Participating in the ongoing contest 🏆 , we earn some decent earnings here.

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Here we no need to incest anything, based on your skills you post your content from this you earn good real money here.

From all those ways we can earn make money here easily. But always provide original content, don't post Copy, paste content here. Those activities strictly prohibited here.

Question Nemer 6:-

How to create communities on Steemit social media.

In the steemit Social Media platform, we can create our community with a minimum cost of 3 steem. We can build our community too.

For creating a community no need and coding skills, On following simple steps we can create our community very easily.

For Example, here I try to create my Vegan Food Lover Community.

For creating I just go steemit platform.


Then click on the Explore Communities tab, Now you get like this screen.


Here in the Right corner, you see Create Community tab, Just click it.


Now on giving your community name, Some Details about Community, then click on Next tab.


Here I created the Vegan Food Lover community so I give that name there, then enter some information about it, Then Click Next Tab.


Now it provides a Private Key, after securing that key click on the Create Community tab.

Now we get a message for conforming, For community creation, we need to pay 3 Steem as a fee.


After finishing this Transaction now My Vegan Food Lover community successfully created. Now I can possible to my post there, other persons also join in my community.


Like that we can create our Community in the steemit platform very easily as per our wish.


From this Homework, I understand the Difference between Decentralized Social media and Centralized social media Platforms.

Along with I learn how to create our community in the Steemit platform, How the steemit platform changing a lot of users life and many more very testing useful information from this Topic.

Thanks for making such a wonderful lecture to us.

Thanks For Reading My Post


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • look fine homework

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 6.5

Thsnks for verify.

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