Stop Wasting Energy Being Jealous of Other People's Success.

in #life7 years ago

It can sometimes be hard as an ambitious, motivated individual not to compare yourself to others and beat yourself up.

I have found myself doing it myself on Steemit and with my other businesses like Amazon merch. The fact is sometimes there is no clear rhyme or reason as to why you are not excelling as planned. Business takes a lot of trial and error and there is always more to learn. The fact is you never see how long people have been trying to get success, you don't see all of their failures. You simply see that they have something you want. This is an unhealthy mindset and you should avoid getting stuck in it.

Don't worry about who has more than you. If you find someone more successful, get inspired by their success. Follow them. Learn from them. Don't get bitter and beat yourself up for not having the same results. Determination is key to becoming a success. And success is whatever you define as success. That word means something wildly different to each of us. But if you find yourself feeling unworthy, annoyed, and jealous then you should analyze these thoughts and let go of them. They will not help you. They will definitely hold you back.

Focus on how to improve your own life.

Once you let go of the energy you were wasting feeling bitter use it to see what areas of your own life have room for improvement. Are you spending a lot of time watching Netflix when you could be working on projects? Are there online courses that might help you with your business? Are there local classes that could give you an edge? Have you overlooked some opportunities for networking? Are you stuck inside of a comfortable rut? Really try to look at all aspects of your life to see where you can improve. THAT is where all your energy should be going not feeling depressed that you don't have as much as that other guy. You don't know how long and hard that other guy worked to get where he is at currently.

But I really feel like I do great work and still fall behind...

Yeah well, that will happen. It took me many years of failing and struggling to make money as my own boss to even start to get a handle on it and get rewarded for my time. You may not be successful straight away. I wish I had bought more ebooks and online courses though and now invest more time and energy into learning new skills. So if you really don't know how to change to improve yourself then consider learning new skills. Or if you are trying to perfect a creative craft then consider classes for that as well. There is always, ALWAYS room for improvement. Don't get cocky. Stay humble. Keep improving. Never give up.

If you don't want to listen to me listen to C.S. Lewis:

"Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success." -C. S. Lewis

"Never give up" has become a motto I live by and you should live by it as well. Really, you can accomplish anything as long as you stick to that motto. It's okay to fail but don't let it beat you down. Don't let it kill your spirit. Don't give up. Get up try again, fail again, try again, fail again, try a new thing, fail at the new thing, and keep trying until you are no longer failing as much. That is all there is to it. You won't even succeed without all the failures as cliche as it sounds.

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Short version:

I feel I cant fail cause I don't give up till I succeed . But don't take on things that are to hard ! So I don't think of myself as a loser ! I am a winner ! Hope everyone would do this !

I take on challenges constantly. You will always fail if you challenge yourself. Nothing wrong with failing as long as you don't give up.

I'm really glad you're thinking that way now !

Keep it up @lauralemons <3

Steem on ! :D

Thanks for the motivation! I too always compare myself with others and stress myself out.

I don't do it as often anymore as I used to because I am constantly reminding myself. hehe

I was literally doing this today -- comparing my success with someone else's. And I felt bad for doing it! My personal life path is incomparable to anyone else's, so there's no reason to beat myself up or feel I am not good enough. I am only responsible for trying to do my best to succeed and feeling confident about that.

I was doing this myself today as well which is why I decided I need to write this post and then listen to my own advice. :) It's good to remind ourselves of this stuff. It'll only set us back focusing on others.

Exactly! :) Thanks for posting about it to remind me of this stuff!

Agree! Get back up, dust yourself off and Steem On! Very Inspirational Post! @lauralemons

Thank you! :)

Good post I'm also bored and do not like to be someone else. The worst of me and my career. I still want to be myself. But the failure I face I consider it is a delayed success. And I am very confident to be myself. So all my friends "ureung PD in steemit" means: they regard me as "the most confident person". Be yourself and do not waste your identity. Regards @ijoel

You're awesome. I just started myself. Don't really know much about this place but I see that people are really turning it up a level. Keep it up.

Great advises!

Can't remember where I read it now, wasn't long ago, but I like this quote as well.

The only way to success faster is to fail quicker

Don't get stuck in the normal rhythm

I think it's important to try to stay away from the normal rhythm, at least now and then. If you feel like watching Netflix or play some more games, try to do something else for a change and go gain some new skills or improve one you have.

Yepp, how I feel exactly. :)

The motto that I live by is "make your own luck."

That's a good one. :)

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