Avalanche Blockchain - Crypto Academy / S5W8 - Publicación de tareas para pelon53 by @laser145

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


A big greeting to all the steemit community I hope you are very well we are going to perform the task of Professor @pelon53 in this season 5 in #SteemitCryptoAcademy I understood perfectly the lecture of the professor we start with the task la are so that it is understandable both for those who are starting and for those who already have a long time in the academy a big greeting.


Explain the X-chain, C-chain and P-chain in detail.

In the digitan ecosystem there are a number of blockchain where the creators try to solve problems that persist in other blockchains prior to this one therefore the next or newer blockchain tries to be as efficient, secure, and decentralized than the previous ones in order to try to have a development and trust among users, there are three factors that developers try to balance but only two of the three factors can be used these are Security, decentralization and scalability.

For example BTC has security, decentralization therefore it has several flaws still in terms of scalability, on the other hand Ethereum was following the steps of BTC but now in version 2.0 wants to go for the part of Security and scalability by placing the consensus protocol and being a little more semi centralized, this to end the problem of scalability, then we will see a new blockchain.

The avalanche blockchain by what law I studied is a bit more interesting and successful in terms of scalability problems security and decentralization therefore we have 3 factors working in a single chain which in no other we are going to see it at this time.

Let's talk about the 3 factors that manage these blockchains X, C, P.



X-Chain is the first blockchain in the avalanche ecosystem, many know it as Exchange Chain, it is a chain where digital assets are created and exchanged, it has its own native token on the chain called AVAX also more assets can be created and exchanged on this X-chain.

Users can create and exchange assets create tokens following the rules guideline by the ecosystem and standards required is very similar to Ethereum network in this aspect because it allows to create ERC20 token and exchange them, fees are paid in AVAX token and works with avalanche consensus protocol.

C-Chain C


C-Chain is the second blockchain s of the avalanche ecosystem, it is mostly known as The Contract Chain, or the smart contract chain, it allows to create smart contracts developers prefer it for decentralized applications (DApps) so in difinitively all DApps creators can create smart contracts on this blockchain.

The C-Chacin chain is compatible with ethereum virtual machine (EVM) therefore DApps created on Ethereum are compatible with the avalanche ecosystem C-chain also work with the consensus protocol of the snow mnemonic. on this part users can run NFT, ERC20 token, on this chain without problem fees are paid in AVAX IN a smart way.


P-Chain is the third chain in the avalanche ecosystem is known as The platform Chain this Chain is responsible for the following function, it allows the creation of subnetworks to be managed and traceable, this means that the validators or nodes take full advantage of the consensus protocol for custom networks.

A subnetwork has the ability to validate multiple blockchains in that a single blockchain is validated by a single subnetwork. This blockchain is based on a snowman consensus protocol and is therefore managed in the avalanche ecosystem.

Each of the above blockchain works independently of each other and each has a different but collective purpose which makes the avalanche blockchain function better faster in terms of transactions and in terms of scalability and transaction validation is much better than other older blockchains.


Explore the Avax Network platform. Screenshots are required.


To explore the Avax Network blockchain we must vitiate the following page https://www.avax.network/


These are the characteristics that each of them have.

Developers: They are divided into two important factors: Validators and Start Building.



Users can become validators on the avalanche blockchain, but users have to rethink with AVAX tokens the native tokens of the avalanche network.


We can see the statistics of the stars validators on the avalanche blockchain.

Start Building:


Here users can be developers by validating or minting tokens and exchanging them.



This feature is divided into 6 categories as shown in the image below,



In this section we can see the roadmap corresponding to the year 2021 and it is divided into 4 phases and each phase has a period of 3 months as we will see in the image below.



As the word indicates we can see the solutions that the Avalanche ecosystem brings such as finance, decentralization and governance institutions, NFT, etc. and much more.


Ecosystem :

This is the avalanche ecosystem where we can access the following features as they are:

Digital Securities
Play to Earn
Trading Bot
Wealth Management


Avalanche Wallet :

Here you can access the existing avalanche wallets and you can also create new wallets if you want to create an avalanche wallet you can click on Create New Wallet.


Then click on generate key phrase.


Here we will save the private key or private phrases if you lose them you will lose the wallet completely.


Then we check the missing words and ready next.


When you access the wallet you can manage and store AVAX tokens and other assets.


Avalanche explorer :

We can see in this part the transactions running or found in the Avalanche network.


Avalanche Bridge :

Here we can connect the different wallets such as Metamask, coinbase and wallet connect. in addition to others that offer us.




We can see this categories which is divided into two sub categories such as Explore open grants and Submit a general proposal.

Explore Open Grants:

in the next category users can explore and create different open grants such as Decentralized Exchange, Stablecoin, Lending, Volatility Index (VIX) and Synthetics and Derivatives.


Submit a general proposal :


Users can request an application in order to set up their projects on the Avalanche blockchain




It allows to keep all users interacting on the Avalanche blockchain informed news can be accessed through press kits and media.




It allows us to interact and search for contacts using the different social networking platforms such as facebook, twitter among others.




We can write directly to the address of the Avalanch platform by this means placing the following data:

Your name , email, how are you and the fifth is the message you are going to send followed by a check mark in the box I am not a robot to then send the message in the Send box.



Show the last verified contract on the C-Chain network and show the Smart Contract that was generated at that address. Screenshots are required.

now let's explore the smart contracts in the contract chain (C-Chain) of the Avalance platform, for this we need to open https://snowtrace.io/

Let's open "blockchain".

Second "Verified Contracts"


We can see the last contract that was verified is called ThorusRouter.


You can view the contract details by clicking on the ThorusRouter contract.


se pueden ver las transacciones que se muestran en la siguiente captura


No token has been created as we can see in the following information.


Total Supply: 0 N/A
Holders: 0 addresses
Transfers: 0

Contract: 0x77c6D143095f06Fa3730d6B99eA55a23766B93b0
Decimals: 18
Social Profiles: Not Available, Update ?


Explore the last block generated in the C-Chain network. Screenshots are required.

for them we must go to the following link, https://snowtrace.io/ let's look at the View blocks option in the Blockchain menu.


let's explore the last block 9264550 in this case


By clicking on it we can see all the details of the block and we will see it in the following screenshot.



Explain in detail the Avalanche consensus protocol and the Snowman consensus protocol.

Avalanche consensus protocol:


▪Increased speed thanks to the validation generate transactions at the same time therefore has more efficiency.

▪The Avalanche consensus protocol uses the X blockchain where AVAX tokens are traded along with other digital assets can be exchanged buy sell and create new tokens thus being a practical and interactive chain for the ecosystem.

▪Transactions are conducted on this consensus protocol are verified and validated in parallel.

▪Transactions are validated in a vertex way as no block is created and this is validated in an automated way.

▪There is no requirement for leaders or a leader to reach consensus so this protocol is more efficient.

▪Decentralization is increased when a leader is absent so scalability is generally not affected by this.

▪All nodes process transactions at the same time using techniques known as graph-optimized protocol to cyclic directed. compared to other protocols that only one node processes the transaction and then the others validate them.

Snowman consensus protocol:

▪Nodes will never be the same as other networks if they are ordered variably and not in parallel.

▪Smart contract transactions are ordered more simply and are more efficient.

It is used to manage smart contracts in the C-Chain consensus protocol where the creation of sub-networks takes place.

▪Unlike the Avalanche consensus protocol transactions are ordered linearly and not in parallel.

The Snowman consensus protocol is the most complete protocol of the Avalanche protocol.

▪ Blocks are created in the consensus protocol after processing.




After doing this arduous research on the blockchain technology and consensus protocol of Avalanche I have to say that this technology that occupies the 3 processes simultaneously gives a solution to many problems that other networks have, every day there are thousands of programmed trying to solve these scalability problems that really is a problem for the Bitcoin Ethereum ecosystem and so you see for users who independently interact within the ecosystem. therefore Avalanche allows to solve these problems with the three chains that are X-Chain, C-chain, P-Chain.

Therefore I see a great administration in this network since it has several chains that solve problems that other networks have been trying to solve for years and all their lives. Avalanche has a great future and its token AVAX may possibly grow over the years, look at BTC, it took almost 15 years to get to where it is from several cents to thousands of dollars, therefore Bitcoin and all cryptos are here to stay.

Cc: @pelon53

by @laser145

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