Lack-of-Virtue Signaling

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

So I get what "virtue signaling" is: someone saying or doing something that serves no purpose except to illustrate their own (supposed) virtuousness. One example which comes to mind--which will probably offend some people--is the various ribbons people display, to say, "I am opposed to [certain bad thing]." Or, since no one brags about being in favor of [certain bad thing], often the ribbon is expressing something even weaker: "I am aware of the existence of [certain bad thing]." Well, good for you. Sort of.

But some "alt right" jokers have gotten into the habit of throwing the "virtue signaling" label at anyone who philosophically argues in favor of something that is actually righteous. The implication is basically, "You may be right, but you're only arguing that to make other people think you're virtuous!" I suspect that is often a result of psychological projection.

I propose a new term, to be applied to those who try to use things like "purist" as an insult--those who complain, for example, at those of us who continue to advocate non-aggression and self-ownership even in cases where authoritarian violence might better serve our own personal interests. Such people object to people abiding by actual principles, and instead like to babble on and on about being "practical," being "realistic," being "nuanced," and so on.

So it occurs to me that such people are loudly and proudly displaying the absence of any underlying principles or solid moral code, and as such, are engaged in "lack-of-virtue signaling." And the Orange Fuhrer himself may be the poster child for this "lack-of-virtue signaling," and that may actually be a significant factor in how he garners popular support: others who are proudly self-centered, unprincipled, opportunistic, obnoxious, narcissistic assholes feel empowered by seeing one of their own sitting on the throne.

Just a thought.


You're obviously just triggered by our God Emperor and Saviour of Western Civilization and you're most likely a liberal that lives in a dreamy world where there aren't hordes of muslim immigrants ready to invade you and whip you in the street.

self-centered, unprincipled, opportunistic, obnoxious, narcissistic assholes

That's how you thank those who are trying to do something for the West?
Now that I think about it, you could also have converted in secret and be a shill for Islam...


I'm inclined to suspect there's probably no meaningful difference between virtue-signaling and "lack-of-virtue-signaling."

On the one hand, you might have a person wearing a ribbon to signal that they reject the system of rape culture and value consent. On the other hand, you have someone wearing a MAGA hat to signal that they reject the system of political correctness and value plain talk. In either situation, someone is trying to signal both that they reject one system of virtue, and embrace some other system of virtue.

Ayn Rand was - so far - the greatest philosopher of freedom in human history. She was the advocate of "minimum state" but not anarcho-capitalism. She thought that it can't exists without violence, but we now know (thanks to Rothbard, Misses and so on) that it's possible. "The Fountainhead" by Rand is a really good place to start seeking values, ethic, philosophy.

Ayn Rand is not Aristotle, but I upvoted you per your passionate appreciation of Rand.

The best I can recommend of Rand is "The Virtue Of Selfishness", however minarchism has proven to be a bus to nowhere and we all know what Greenspan devolved to. Anarcho-capitalism or else; freedom wins by default.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

There will be about anarcho-capitalism too. I also consider it as the better solution than "night-watchman state"/minarchism.

Enjoy your freedom, you deserve it.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

The main issue I have with the ribbon thing(such as breast cancer awareness) is that these people are dishonest. Do they actually know what causes cancer? Do they understand the history of it? Are they educated at all about cancer?

How can you help support a cause if you don't know anything about it? How can you know anything about it if you don't honestly educate yourself on it?

A ribbon on a car and no education in your brain shows minimal effort and no sincerity.

It's a sheeple badge. It signals sheeple to validate sheeple for being virtuous when in fact none of the sheeple have any idea what the hell they are supporting.

Virtue signaling is whatever someone yells out immediately before they are escorted off an airplane. "but I'm a doctor!"

others who are proudly self-centered, unprincipled, opportunistic, obnoxious, narcissistic assholes

AKA real 'mericans

The most efficient strategy for conquering a society is to write it a check. The psychopath in the whitehouse has puppet credibility for vanquishing dissent, maintaining debt velocity to reinforce the illusion that free-riding on the grandkids is a viable option.

I've never met a senior citizen that refused to sign up for a socialism security check, and I think it's a safe bet that Trump is collecting his. Yes Trump is the pathological narcissistic representative of his voting base.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, come get fooled again? No, Trump voters know they are voting narcissistic, hoping to collect and run out the clock. No chance in hell they will make it. Game over folks.

Here comes the wolf.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

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