The Fringe Cult of Peaceful Coexistence?

in #anarchy6 years ago

This is my response to the dishonest spin and hit-piece against libertarianism by the well-trained subject of the state, Matt Lieb, of "NewsBroke." His video can be seen here:

And here is the link for "Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion":


Through discipline comes freedom. ~ Aristotle

This guy, Matt, is correct about one thing: we are dangerous to the traditional system.
Obviously this a puppet. Only individuals that want to distort a message rely on intentionally quoting out of context.
What most critics fail to understand is that the end of the political state does mean that hospitals, schools, and public services (roads, water, forests)would seize to exist. It is innovation, individualism and industry that had created the roads and the technology in general that enables us to have a high quality of life; no credit is due to political action. Instead, in a state-less region, all of these "government" services will be MUCH cheaper and FAR more efficient. Therefore, becoming much better services.
I became convinced of my country's indoctrination practices because I discovered that children in the first grade are already taught the idea of politicians as authority and money as the only medium of exchange. Those are probably the two greatest lies that uphold the control of the political state. The Jesuis supposedly have a saying that goes like this: "give me a child from age 1 to 6, and he is mine forever."

It's interesting when you mention the fact that we actually learn pretty much the non-aggression principle at a very early age...I remember once trying to explain voluntaryism and non-aggression to some people, who started laughing at the mention of the "only voluntary interactions between people" part, and then saying to me "how old are you, man?..are you, like, 3 years old?..."

It would be cool to see Lieb's rebuttal to your response. I couldn't actually finish watching his video because it really was garbage.

Darn it! There you are with the truth again. Isn't this getting old? Hmm, I guess not! Thanks Larken.

Matt Lieb. Straw Man


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