Apple cider vinegar

in #apple6 years ago


Apple cider vinegar benefits are endless

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular alternative health treatments used today. It has been used since ancient times as a remedy for many different diseases. Hippocrates said it was used as an antibiotic. Apple cider vinegar is a result of fermentation. The sugar in the apple is transformed by yeast and bacteria into alcohol in the first stage and then turned into vinegar.

  • Apple cider vinegar contains: contains many vitamins and beta-carotene, minerals and biocides such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, fluorine and iron.

We offer you the most important aesthetic and health benefits of apple cider vinegar:
Weight Loss The idea of ​​losing weight depends on dissolving grease from the human body by taking two teaspoons of concentrated apple cider vinegar and mixing it with a water cup and drinking the mixture after each meal.

2 - Reduce the effects of sunburn to dipping a cloth or cotton in apple cider vinegar and put it on places where the effects of sunburn.

3 - Treatment of the cortex Apple vinegar works to destroy the fungal maltese and restore the pH balance in the scalp. Place an amount of diluted apple vinegar in water and place it on the scalp and leave for an hour or two before washing and rinsing. And you can put apple vinegar without diluted .

  1. To treat arthritis, mix a teaspoon of concentrated apple cider vinegar with a water cup and drink the mixture after each meal for a month.

5 - Varicose Veins The veins of the leg extended slightly from the apple cider center twice a day morning and evening for a month, will notice the atrophy of infected veins gradually. It is also recommended to take a teaspoon of concentrated apple vinegar mixed with a glass of water a day for a month during the massage of the veins.

6 - to fight germs and bacteria It is known that the bacteria inside the human body live on the absorption of water needed by the cells of the body, but the presence of potash in apple cider vinegar does not let the bacteria absorb water from the cells of the human body, but make cells absorb water from those germs then Germs die. It is recommended to supply the cells of the human body with potash in the vinegar, by mixing a teaspoon of apple vinegar with a cup of water and drink it once a day.

7 - To treat blood pressure and cholesterol Taking a teaspoon of apple juice and vinegar in a glass of water a day works to reduce blood pressure and is useful in the treatment of cases of bad cholesterol.

8 - inflammation of the throat Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar concentrated water cup in the form of gargling for 5 seconds every hour, and recommended swallowing the result of the process of gurgling fully, and when it is noted that the improvement of the process repeated every two hours and for only two days.9 - Fight insomnia Mix three tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar with a cup of honey and taken from the mixture in the form of doses by a teaspoon at sleep and wake up, and if the insomnia continued, repeat the process every half an hour by taking a teaspoon of the mixture.
10 - Bites Insect the exposed parts of the body with a three - quarters of apple cider vinegar and a quarter of the boiling syrup extract, and place on the place of the bite as quickly as a substance wet with apple cider vinegar and several times with vinegar to avoid evaporation.

11 - To cure and clear the urinary tract: Dr. Jarvis says in the narration of the benefits of medicinal cider vinegar, he says if a person collects his night urine after he drinks with each meal a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water finds this urine in the morning the next day free of Each sand deposition indicates a chemical change in the urine.

12 - Used as a cushion for the strengthening and beauty of nails

The method is 3 teaspoons olive oil. 3 teaspoons apple cider vinegar. One egg yolk. Preparation and use: Mix ingredients well, and keep in a bottle. This product is used frequently in nail polish. It can be used with a cotton cloth to paint the nails and surrounding tissues

  1. Use to whiten the hands:

And the way it 8 tablespoons rose water. 3 tablespoons glycerin. 3 tablespoons pure alcohol .. 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice. 1 tbsp orange juice. 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar. Preparation and use: Mix ingredients well .. then fill in a bottle with jug several times. Washing your hands with soap and water works to remove the natural acid that protects the skin. Using this preparation, it works to maintain this natural acid. It is used daily after washing hands .. It has a good effect in whitening the skin and hands numbness.

14 - To get rid of facial pills (acne): Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water .. And dip a piece of cotton in this mix and wipe the grain several times a day.
15 - Utilization in the dishes Apple cider vinegar is used in different authorities and also used in meat and chicken seasoning.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not drink vinegar until after sufficient concentration of water, and do not drink it after eating to avoid any undesirable effects or ulceration of the stomach. Now, have you tried apple cider vinegar before? Tell us whether the results are negative or positive
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not drink vinegar until after sufficient concentration of water, and do not drink it after eating to avoid any undesirable effects or ulceration of the stomach. Now, have you tried apple cider vinegar before? Tell us whether the results are negative or positive

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