Can Blockchain Gaming really make a difference?!? || Tron Fan Club

in Tron Fan Club2 years ago (edited)
Hello my friends. How is everybody doing today? I hope everyone is well by the grace of almighty ALLAH. I am alhamdulillah very well.


Right at the moment playing games in digital platforms doesn't seem like what gaming was a few years back. Modern games are very advanced in every way possible. From gameplay to graphics to every other things- Everything seems much upgrated and it's still upgrading the technology itself. Currently almost all of the games in the market are online based. A very few might be and exceptional case but for most of the games you must have data connection available in your device. Some years back the scenario wasn't like this. Almost all of the games then was offline based. Some online games was available back then but it wasn't easy to get hands on like today and its popularity was no way near today.



As modern technology evolves,so does our imagination to do greater things. Right now there are very interesting ,advanced and futuristic games available.

But blockchain games isn't as much popular as these games. Most of the blockchain games are very light games and are less enjoyable. I personally think modern games should try more to collab with the blockchain technology. In such way not only players will be able to enjoy high quality blockchain games,they could also come in contact with crypto currency. And the more popularity it grows so does the the crypto token related to that specific game.



So if tron blockchain wants to reach more users then I think connection with different modern games could really make a difference along with making a big impact. Because when crypto is involved then more and more people will come to pay such games because of the interest to earn by playing games . People from around the world will come and play this game. In doing so they could earn trx tokens along the way and also keep trading them with others. As a result tron will get a huge number of users and fans. And when more and more people uses it ,the more value of that token will increase.



That's all for today. Hopefully we shall meet again soon. Till then take care and stay safe. Goodbye.


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with regards

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