How To Hack You Brain And Actually Lose Weight Safely

in #health7 years ago


The vast majority of people that want to lose weight fail. The reason is rather simple. Mother nature loves fat. Food wasn't always accessible around us like it is today. I am going to keep this post as simple as I can, braking all the science into simple to understand terms. Now, don't take everything you read by heart. Same applies to anything you stumble upon on the internet. Consult your doctor if you already have health issues. Without further ado, here it goes:

Whenever we were scavenging in the savanna we ate as much as we could and hoped the fat would get us through the winter. Our back yards today are not exactly open fields for hunting. Food is also easily accessible in a room next door rather than having to find or hunt it. Mother nature didn't actually have the chance to catch up with the evolution of the homo-couch-potato so fat lingers around more than it used to.

Another major problem is carbohydrates. Sugar, the end product, can be obtained from literally anywhere — from bread to ice cream. Most of these types of sugar foods where mostly a recent invention and our bodies aren't used to the sheer volume they receive. Sure, we got to eat a fruit every now and then but didn't get to dominate our diets with every meal. Same applies for tuberous crops like potatoes and carrots. Those were more of delicacies rather than a usual caloric stipend.


I am not going to bother you with the technicalities of insulin. Just know that when your body receives certain forms of sugar, it halts the fat burning process. Sugar is just easier to burn. More or less, when the sugar kiln is "on" constantly, you get metabolic syndrome. Keep that long enough and you get diabetes.

If you visit a nutrition specialist they will most likely give you a list with foods to eat, change your schedule about eating, exercise, yada, yada, yada. You might even try to get to it for a couple of months (if you are strong willed) but most likely you will just give up. At the end, your hypothalamus, the stubborn part of your brain that hates change, will revert back to your old habits. Heck, it will even punish you: "Fuck you for trying to starve me", it will say. "Here is an extra 2 pounds to keep you at bay".

Your fat is smart. It might not have a brain but it is regulated from your body that wants to survive — despite of your conscious actions. You have to trick fat into burning. If you come at it directly it gets triggered like a social justice warrior. It becomes extremely hard to get your point across. Try to cut all the fat from your diet and your body will start retaliating by increasing cravings and piling it up in greater quantities.

So how one gets to bullshit their metabolism without raising any alarms?

  • Step 1: Drink A Glass of Water.
  • Step 2: Fill up Your Plate Like You Normally Do
  • Step 3: Take A knife
  • Step 4: Divide the food in your plate in 2 portions
  • Step 5: Move the portions into 2 small plates
  • Step 5: Eat one portion at launch with chopsticks
  • Step 6. Eat the other half at dinner with chopstics

  • That's it. Your body (most likely), will not retaliate. You might get a bit hungry at the beginning but the water should keep your stomach at bay my emulating the food volume. That's hack no.1

    Hack no.2 is your own perception. The fact that you will eat at a full small plate, will still register as a whole plate in your mind. Hack no.3 is the chopsticks. If you don't know how to use them, even better. People usually eat way to fast and there is no time for the stomach to send a message back to the brain to say "enough". Most likely you have been eating way too fast already and this is why most people feel bloated after a meal. By using chopsticks you get to eat more slowly allowing your mind to process the food intake. You will feel full with less amount of food.

    With this hack you still get to enjoy every single thing that you used to. The only difference is that you eat half a meal instead of one when it comes to launch and dinner.


    At the end of the day your body needs energy. Energy is translated from calories. If you eat less calories than your body burns, your fat engine starts up and you will lose weight.

    Keep in mind that dieting is not just for a few months. Dieting is a lifestyle. Once you wrap your head around this small ritual you will not notice the difference. Most of the times people fail in their diets because they change their foods and portions radically. Your body fell into specific food habits for a reason. It won't just change back.

    Always remember to respect your body. It made some decisions in past to keep you healthy. Treat it with respect and you will get rewarded.


    I have planning my self of lost some weight for a couple years but I never do it for real.
    I don't know why, some of my friends and family already call me fat, yes of course I'm offended with it but I just have no motivation to lose some.
    After reading this you gave me some motivation about it, thank you dude.

    No problem. let me know how it turns out.

    Thanks for the down to earth help. Youve gained a follower

    I think you well earned every penny from this post. I'm gonna try this hack out starting tomorrow. Lately I've been growing laterally because I feel like I'm always hungry, and I can't seem to stop myself from grabbing that extra loaf of bread for the sixth time... I'm not obese yet, but at this rate I won't be fitting in my new jeans for very long.

    Thanks for the tip, and know that I shared this post with my followers too. :)

    See ya! :)

    thank you. let me know how it goes

    Something that came to mind, vaguely related:

    If you plan on running to lose weight: don't. Go swim laps in not-too-warm water daily for some time first. The body will burn calories just to keep its temperature up, you are exercising, and you build muscle mass in more places.

    Larger muscles burn more with every movement than small muscles. Getting in shape swimming will make running easier. Losing weight before you start running will prevent your joints' exploding.

    Whatever habits you form, if you change your habits back, you will grow fat again.

    very well said. I actually tried to stay away from regiments like exercise because most people don't stick to them. This is the simplest method I could come up with. Also exercise raises appetite. a lot.

    I like the combination of going on a soup diet, and only using chopsticks to eat. Taking Hack #3 to the extreme.

    Its all about health. You want to live a good life and be able to handle certain situations that come up. It definatly has to be a lifestyle if you want to see any gains in one direction or the other. I was happy as heck when i finally reached the 300 club with benching as its been a long time goal and it was great to finally reach it. You cant make excusses and have to make it part of your daily routine and be disciplined daily no matter what pops up in life's journey... Just posted a blog about relations with China if you or anyone are interested. Bell well and steem on.

    thank you. will check it out later.

    you could take Acetyl-L-Carnitine which comes from natural food and effective for burning fats

    yeah but i wanted to keep the guide super simple

    Where is the magic pill to change our synapses to better behave? lol. I kid. Just an FYI...used your scaredy cat pic as the main photo for my last post! Finally got to it :-)

    checking it right now

    I lose weight because of steemit, tbh.
    I gave more time posting, reading and commenting on steemit than filling up my tummy. I have a high metabolism so the effect is doubled. I'm not depriving myself to eat, Steemit does! xD


    I have lost 11 kilos in 4 months.
    My method:

    1. Avoid carbs and sugar as much as possible.
    2. I use myfitnesspal to keep my calorie intake to 1500 calories/day
    3. Exercise atleast half hour a day
    4. Indulge in whatever you wish to eat once a while, being too strict with yourself will only cause harm in long run.

    sounds like a good stradegy

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