Conquering Lake Holon, T'boli, South Cotabato | keynaynTravels | Travel Blog #2

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Lake Holon

The Crown Jewel of the South

A panoramic view of the lake through Kule Trail's 360° view deck.

Lake Holon, lies 4,700 feet above sea level and nestled in Mt. Melibingoy or Mt. Parker's crater, is famous among mountaineering enthusiasts, tourists, and even locals. It is frequently visited by people because of its pristine waters and the breathtaking beauty of the lake despite walking for hours.

I have seen this natural charm twice last two years ago and I wanted to go back so bad. This tourist spot, located in T'boli, South Cotabato, is open to the public for a few months then closed again for the next months in order for nature to recuperate. Pilgrimage is held everytime the site reopens again and it happened last March of this year in celebration of their Seslong Festival and the opening of their newest trail, the Sala Byaan, which has a 360° view deck of the lake.

This is the view from Sala Byaan's View Deck (Credits to Travelling James)

The other two trails are Salacafe, which has an easy steady uphill climb, while Kule, offers a 360° view deck when you reach the top and a short boat ride going to the campsite. I have experienced both the trails and I find Kule as the most rewarding trek, even though it's tiring, after being able to reach their view deck.

Salacafe Trail

The easy trek...

This is the starting point of Salacafe Trail. We actually took this photo when we went home because we were not able to have a photo with the signboard when we started the trek.

We stopped over one of the T'boli houses to eat our lunch after 30 minutes of walking.

The road to Lake Holon via the Salacafe Trail.

One of the stopovers we did after eating lunch.

And a few more stopovers...

This is the only view of the lake Salacafe offers before reaching the campsite.

This was us at night time after eating dinner. We had some booze to warm our night since it's freezing.

Salacafe Trail took us 3 hours to reach the campsite. This trail is highly recommended for mountaineering beginners since it's like a walk in the park. You can also experience horseback riding but you have to pay for it.

Kule Trail

The most rewarding experience...

This trail took us 3 hours to reach the campsite. The walk was not as easy as Salacafe's because Kule offers all kinds of terrain for the hikers. At one point, you're walking on a grassy rolling hill then you reach a fern-infested to a luscious forest. Nonetheless, the breathtaking view of the lake will make all the climb worth it.



I was indeed happy and contented when I reached the view deck after countless of times I asked our tour guide if we're close enough the lake.

Activities you can do

Lake Holon offers activities for you to enjoy with your family and friends. You can sit at one side and dip your feet in the water and avail the free fish spa.



Go kayaking and swim with friends on the lake.

I was not able to capture photos of us when we went kayaking but I did took videos.
(Photo by: Allican Eam Ael)

And take tons of pictures with the majestic view.





What to bring

Since it is eminently recommended that you camp overnight, you must bring the following:

  1. Jacket - It's freezing when the night falls. Better have something to warm you up.
  2. Tents - You must bring your own. The bigger, the better so that you can put your things inside too.
  3. Waterproof Mats and Raincovers - You might need this in case it rains. You don't wanna get wet while you're sound asleep at night.
  4. Trail food and Snacks - This will keep you going when you're hungry and tired during the trek.
  5. Extra Clothes - You might want to swim or change after the 3-hour long trek.
  6. Water - You need to rehydrate yourself every now and then.
  7. Camera - Who wouldn't want to miss all the memories and the adventure? Document everything.
  8. Wear comfortable and lightweight clothes and shoes - This will help you in your trek. It's easier to walk.
  9. Portable Cooking Set - You might wanna cook your own food for your meals.
  10. Slippers - You have to let your feet lose after a tiring trek.
  11. Money - You'll be paying fees for your visit (e.g. environmental fee, tourism fee and you might want to buy stuff at the campsite like coffee, food, or souvenirs)
  12. Yourself - Have yourself prepared weeks before the trek to avoid body pains after. You can climb the stairs, do walking exercises and even do jogging if the time permits.

If you want a dose of nature's goodness, Lake Holon is the place to be. It's away from the busy life in the city and you just want to spend a day or two in rekindling yourself with mother nature.

"Leave nothing but footprints.
Take nothing but pictures.
Kill nothing but time."
-Mountaineering Principle

Travel while you can guys! The world has so much to offer.

Much Love,

Kayenine <3


I have yet to experience this kind of thrill. Thank you for sharing tips. I'm keeping a mental note of this in case my hubbs and I decided to pursue our plan this summer. Great job on your post!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post @dandalion. This adventure should be in your bucket list because the climb is all worth it. I hope you guys will pursue your summer plans! Glad to be of help too.

I envy you in going to many places dear. Let me go with you please!

  • Nominated by someone naunahan ako! Goodluck :)

My pleasure Te @itsjessamae! I'll be your tour guide. 😊 Thank you pala for the nomination. 😊

This post has been featured on Daily Steemitfamilyph featured post #73

Thank you Ohana! 😍

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