in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

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The inception of blockchain technology has been providing adopters with a lot of benefits from time to time. The blockchain technology has brought many solutions to the various problems we face on the digital world. This has been transcending to almost every sector- from health, finance, manufacturing, sports, betting, robotics, gaming and so much more. Each one also has its own unique method of solving ever day problems we face.
One major sector of the digital ecosystem that continues to expand is the social media platforms. We have a lot of social media platforms that has various large user base and it continues to grow as time goes by. The social media platforms connect many users who follow each other and feed each other with information periodically. But what can the large user base and user data generation be used for? Should usage be just following each other, writing stories, making comments, and doing all those activities just for nothing? This is where the Springrole initiative comes in.
The Springrole initiative is to make a better use of large social media use and the user data generation using the blockchain technology. Springrole is not going to be another social media platform just for following each other or doing what the previous social media platforms are doing. What Springrole will do is to help solve hiring and verification problems faced by employers and employees or job seekers.



Job seeking is one of the most important stage of every individual’s lifetime activities. Once you complete school, you expect to get a job and work to earn something and this process goes on in cycles for every generation. Looking for job is not an easy thing to do. You have to be looking for companies, writing resumes and also build your skills to get the job. This problem is not only at the side of job seekers, but employers also encounter serious problems trying to fill vacancies. They have to be scanning through a majority of applicants so as to eliminate illegible clients. This whole tedious process of job seeking and hiring is subject to so many troubles- human errors, fraud, middlemen interference and so much more. Read more here:

This is why the Springrole innovation was coined to help bring a solution to this problem. Springrole has come to help make validation of applicants’ data a very convenient one using the blockchain technology. You can find more information here:



Springrole will integrate into its platform two major features that will help make accomplish its purpose (You can see how the platform will integrate them here:

  • Crowdsourcing your reputation in a particular via endorsements- with this, the various users on the springrole platform will cumulative endorse each other to give reputation. You can read more about it here:
  • Verifying and validating your professional details via organizational attestations- with this, various organizations can attest to user documents.

You can find out more about Springrole here:




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