Dubya Goes Full Retard

in #bush7 years ago


There is virtually no evidence Russia did anything to meddle in the 2016 election, but that didn't stop former president and high-level war criminal George W. Bush from insisting political fantasy represents a dangerous reality.

The AP reports:

“There’s pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled,” Bush said at a talk in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. “Whether they affected the outcome is another question.”

Bush also said that “it’s problematic that a foreign nation is involved in our election system. Our democracy is only as good as people trust the results.”

Donald Trump was elected because millions of Americans are angry and disgusted with the political class.

Problem is, as some of us knew from the start, Trump is a chameleon, he said whatever was needed to fool the plebs into voting for him.

Dubya did likewise. Remember his "Compassionate Conservative" nonsense?

How compassionate is killing over a million Iraqis?

Israel and its operatives, including the likes of AIPAC, are far more instrumental in meddling in US elections than the Russians, yet nothing is said about that.

The Russia meddling thing is about Trump. Our rulers are pissed this guy actually won the election, they want him out of there.

Not that it matters. When it comes to foreign policy, Trump is little different than Bush or Obama.

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