Is World Government Necessary Before Anarchy is Possible?

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Would a territory declared an anarchist autonomous region be allowed to exist, or would it be labeled a "FAILED STATE", and invaded immediately? Let us look back and pay respects to Karl Marx, and consider the results of the Communist Revolution in Russia.

Karl Marx was a student of history, literature, philosophy, law, economics .. his work and the revolutionary forces that his worked ignited, were a gift to humankind, a legacy that even the most zealous anarcho-capitalist should be grateful for. You see, progress in socio-economics is much the same as it is in science - we build upon the ideas that come before, whether it be through transformation, or laying them waste and taking their place. The necessary elements of this progression are the ideas themselves, the act of considering the possibilities - Karl Marx's vision was a world in which the state was no longer necessary, and because of this he must be counted among the Fathers of Anarchism. Yes, yes, I know of the battles between Marx and his anarchist contemporaries, but the fact is, their 'ulimate' goal was, for the most part, shared.

"Communism" Was Ended Before it Ever Existed

Karl Marx was a student of Capitalism, as evidenced by arguably his greatest work - "Kapital" - know thy enemy - for anarchists the origin, function and responses of states should be studied well. What Karl saw was the industrialization and urbanization that Capitalism generated, and concluded that it was an absolute prerequisite to the revolution of the proletariat, leading eventually to Stateless Communism. In brief: Capitalism creates the proletarian class, the labour upon which the system depends, concentrating them in cities around the 'means of production'. Capitalism's requirement for constant growth would lead to conflict over new markets, and raw materials, forcing the proletarian class to decide between revolution or waging war on behalf of their masters.


The revolution that led to the creation of the U.S.S.R, was halted by power-hungry totalitarians, who saw no future for the people without an iron-fist to rule them, and protect them - and of course, no glorious future for themselves as rulers. The 'revolutionary process' which was supposed to carry on, toward the "whithering away of the state", ceased, and only the dictatorship of the proletariat remained. Why did this happen in the USSR, why did it happen in every other attempt at Communism throughout history?


External Aggression Ends The Process

The Russian Revolution and the formation of the U.S.S.R. was a decades-long process, beginning at the tail end of World War I, which included Russia defending against the aggression of the great powers in Europe, by famine, by civil war, by foreign-backed insurgency, and immediately followed by an existential battle .. to-the-death .. with Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. Immediately following World War II, the USSR was squared off against the United States, the Cold War we are all familiar with, that lasted for the rest of the USSR's existence. Along the way, the revolution that was supposed to continue to evolve toward statelessness, instead perished, replaced by the exact opposite of what Marx had hoped for humanity.

This hindered, choked-off and prematurely stopped revolutionary process was repeated in a few other places on Earth, but none had progressed to "Communism", therefore, it has never existed in history. Why do I wish to point this out? Although Communist Revolutions were attempted, they all were ended or rendered inate by external threat. With no military capacity, those regions undertaking the process, would have been subjugated by neighbours (or the United States) within days - Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, Guatamala, Vietnam, the list goes on and on - the revolutionary proces toward Communist statelessness was started, the revolution was aggressed against and the process ended - what was left slowly eroded armed resistence, forced "elections" after forced "peace processes" to return the countries to an even worse state of oppression than they had before, or outright totalitarian and unchanging regimes.

A current country, or region, city, or as we have seen on the nightly news, someone's homestead in the middle of nowhere - if any population declared themselves an 'autonomous stateless zone', they would be set upon by the nearest authority quicker than you say, "I think they have guns up in thar hills."


World Government for the Win!

You have heard the saying, "The Harder They Come, the Harder They Fall", in regards to government, the more centralized, the more top-heavy, over-stretched, and out of touch with the periphery they are, the easier they will tumble.

I have never been a believer in the "New World Order" conspiracy theories - George Bush Sr. drops it once in a televised speech, and the next thing you know he is pronounced a wannabe Planetary Dictator wishing to rule out of the United Nations building, in New York!? Hell no .. no right-wing war monger wants to hang out in New York City folks. Never mind the thoughts of these short-sighted puppets, what one must consider are cost-benefit analysis done by big .. Big .. BIG BUSINESS.

The same reasons that most of these corporate leaders are anti-government are the ones that will be used to erase borders and regional central governments: the ELIMINATION of RED TAPE, easy access to CHEAP UNPROTECTED LABOR and RESOURCES, and NON-EXISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION. There is a possibility that these very powerful individuals would seek a single dominant military organization, single dominant police body, under the direction of a single, easy-to-control, pseudo-democratic (or not) governmental body.


I am certainly not in favor of World Government, I, like so many others, believe humanity would be better served by not being served at all - served by a gang that wants our freedom in-exchange. However, it is an interesting thought that it may be a necessary precursor to this hopeful outcome. Just as Marx saw that the ultimate success of that which he felt needed to end, was necessary before the fall could occur, so too for us to be one-day free of these gangs, there may need to be a period where we are under the rule of a single planet-wide body, with the people of the world suffering increasing abuses at the hands of protected gangsters, leading to a final, and ultimate ...CRUUUUNCH!



Well Kurt, this one is too fucking complicated for this crowd, or convoluted, not sure which. I on the other hand do see your point. The wannabe anarchists on STEEMIT spend more time telling people how OBVIOUSLY superior their point of view is, and attacking Obama and Clinton, that they have not given much thought at all to how they could actually pull this shit off.

REAL ANARCHISTS know how difficult this shit goin be. :-)

It's not that convoluted... It's exactly the problem with anarchy. Outside forces will see the inherent weakness and take over.

You can't have anarchy until you fundamentally change human nature.

Subtle indeed. Let the boil mature before lancing it.
I have felt that psychopathy is evolutions way of keeping
it real. A spoonful of poison makes the best in us survive.
Just theorizing.

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