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RE: Response to @transisto's Open Letter

in #haejin7 years ago

Dear @haejin:

I am one of those flagging your posts but not out of violent attacks or hate for you. I flag your posts because I do not feel they deserve the value that they are at, and that the value given produces detrimental effects to the steem economy in the long term. This is in the blue paper and the white paper. I personally do not flag your followers below 0, but I can't say the same of your followers (example is here) and to make matters worse I too have been on the receiving end of spam on my posts by your followers (exmaple is here), which also proceeded to flagging my post which had nothing to do with this voting war. I understand you have no control over your followers and due to this post I will cease my spamming of your posts with memes and such. The flagging will continue, and if I see a post that I feel is undervalued then I would upvote it, however a lot of your posts get to 300+, something many whom put way more effort into their own posts could only dream of. This is not saying that your posts take no effort, just that many out there spend hours or even days on posts finding the right pictures, researching content, editing it and ending up with a $5-$10... and if they disagree with your rewards and decide to flag you then they potentially lose those little rewards they got.

So here is where I stand, I am going to stop spamming your posts with belittling memes and such as I said.I will also remove my insulting replies to your comments. Now to start my response to this.

my self upvotes have been reactionary to revive the downvoted posts.

You realize that the blockchain is all open. Not only can we go back and look at your posts to fact check this and in my quick overview of your account I can actually say that this is confirmed, more or less. So I have to give this one to you mind you my program does not look at when the votes took place or in what order and instead just looks at your posts to see if you have only upvoted posts, of yours, that were flagged by a select group of individuals.

The next point I want to comment on is this:

Here is one of many Trolls who spammed my comments, often in rapid fire mode of 50 or more repeats. I downvoted these as I can't see how they are legitimate. I am Korean and I find this racist.

kimjongpoo, I found him annoying and muted him, a lot of us hated him. Same with baejin.

Not everyone sees value in Technical Analysis. Is TA perfect? No because it is based on probability and not certainty.

Based off of this then I would say that you can respect the idea of someone using their shares to vote on your posts in deciding the value, for instance if they think it deserves more then they upvote and if they think it deserves less then they downvote.

10K views and hundreds of total upvotes per post from minnows who usually are often overlooked.

Views mean nothing (as simple scripts can be used to inflate them)

As for minnow votes, yes we do take their votes into consideration, altogether there are almost 16,000 minnows and they produce roughly 12-30% of your rewards... That other 70-88% is divided between yourself and ranchoralexo, many people have talked about this information including myself.

So what I am saying in my response: you are not the only victim here. I, for the longest time, had no intentions on ever getting involved with this argument until your followers made me get involved (I got flagged by a couple and received a long comment chain by another), and at first my involvement was more... how do you say... for show.

So what response do I want to get from this? A potential dialog going between both sides, a true dialog, not like the last time a 'truce' was made. Many are willing to hold such a conversation but are you willing?


You're and some others are calling for a cultured dialogue/discussion... with Bernie Sanders. I'm not that sure You would be as open for discussion with abusive and frankly obnoxious individual, who is spitting in Your face and is producing degrading content about You. Would You?

Don't You really see the problem here? Face of the attacking side is Bernie - and it's the face that deserves nothing else than a hard slap or even better, a punch.

It's kinda like You had an angry mob outside Your door, led by some smelly brute calling You names and threatening You. You guys are like a negotiators. You come to Haejin, try to convince him to get out and start discussion. The problem is - outside his door situation did not change. Same angry redneck and his flock is there, not even knowing and first of all, not wanting any discussion, just sharpening his pitchfork while cheering his drones with some filthy language.

Don't negotiate with terrorists I say. Until they use their shameful methods, wear acid proof clothing, stand Your ground and just smile politely.

Kisses Bernie.

No this time I want the discussion to be open to the platform and not negotiated away from us. Also Bernie isn't the face of us, he doesn't tell us where to go or what to do. He may be the biggest share holder amongst us but we have many that hold large votes. And as for that filthy language, read my post, read the examples. I got involved because haejin supporters came after me, they weren't nice with their words.

You must be aware that where's action, there's reaction. It's just how it works. When You open Pandora's box, You can't expect its contents to torment the other side only.

I was there the day it started and I encourage You to read first post by Bernie that started it all. It's main message was that Haejin is earning over 6% (if I remember correctly) of total pool. It proved to be bug in some tool he was using and the real amount was about 10 times less. Do You think he's the guy that officially admits he was wrong? Nah, not his style. False information created hate he lives for so he let it be.

I was also commenting in this first thread. Read for Yourself - vast majority of comments defending Haejin were just a calm voice in discussion. All of them, no exceptions, killed by Bernie's bot army, with no answers given. Lots of accounts reputation destroyed. I was almost zeroed twice.

So like I said - when You unleash a mob, only feeding its anger each day, You can't possible expect that the other side will stay calm.

It's kinda funny for me reading in comments here and there that "it started with Haejin or his followers destroying reputation of good Steemit users disagreeing with him". It really takes close to none effort finding out how this really started.

And whether You want it or not, Bernie is and will be the face of it all. No matter how hard You try to distance Yourself from pooing donkey memes, it's still him holding the standard.

No matter what he does, his way of handling things will always make things go ugly. Most of the time I was standing by - now I hope to get rich with crypto fast, just to pour some money here and start kicking everything he does. That's the effect The Face of Your action has on people. I won't do it only because I know this sad individual thrives in conflict, feeds with negativity he creates.

You said - "I got involved because haejin supporters came after me, they weren't nice with their words."

It only means Bernie is successful once again. Exactly his method. Throw a bomb in the cesspit and when everyone's covered with shit arguing and kicking each other, he's closest to being happy, or less bitter, I don't know.

I remember that first post as well believe it or not, but it wasn't bernie whom first brought up that 6%, it was actually coming down from a group of witnesses. Maybe you missed that part where witnesses saw a problem here? Anyways, you can blame bernie however you want but he has admitted that he was wrong. Also, it wasn't 10 times less, I believe the actual value was a little over 2%, that week... For the month he was at 6%, the problem wasn't in the tool but how it was relayed and how people interpreted it.

None of the comments on this post by anyone will change anything. Haters will hate. People will defend their behavior. And I honestly think this decentralized experiment called steeemit will end up failing because of people defining what fair is and then finding ways to govern it and people are motivated to profit with the least amount of effort.

Then it fails, but I have no intention on letting haejin walk around acting like a god when he is the epitome of everything wrong with steemit. Until it fails, I will flag him.

We can assume we're all intelligent people here. What worries me the most is that I think exactly the same... about Bernie.

I doubt conflicts like this can be resolved in fully democratic setup like Steemit.

In every community You'll have factions, not necessarily opposing each other, but believing in different values. Most of the time both sides use exactly the same words, like "freedom", "transparency" etc, but they seem to understand them differently.

A bit offtopic (or maybe not) - don't You think this situation resembles political conflicts? There is Trump in US, Kaczynski in Poland, Orban in Hungary, Erdogan in Turkey etc. Nations became extremely polarised. Both sides using basically the same words, one side calling the other traitors, each sides saying they are the true patriots.

Problem is - I think none of them is lying. They truly think the other side is not only wrong, but in some way corrupt.

I'm asking You for just one thing - please believe that I and people like me, truly think it's the kind of behaviour Bernie presents, that will marginalise and ultimately destroy Steemit in the long run. As I believe You're sure that's the case with Haejin.

I don't agree with everything that Bernie does, but I respect him because he does a lot for the steemit community that most don't realize.

By the way, we can empirically show data on how haejin is destroying the reward pool and how he is causing damage. Bernie isn't causing that same damage to you. I mean for the most part, bernie is going to simply ignore you unless you give him a reason otherwise.

Anyways my problem surrounding haejin is that the entire situation going on here is talked about, at length, in the white paper under the section of voter abuse and would be defined as collusive voting and in response it is stated (in the whitepaper) that users of small and large accounts should work together to nullify the votes... So its not like this "lynch mob" (as many put it) is completely uncalled for.

Now I wont say that bernie has done no wrong everyone to some extent is damaging the steemit community whether it be how they talk or vote, but then again I am not flagging haejin because bernie told me to otherwise I would have started flagging him back in January or December...

As for your question about this conflict being like modern politics, while I agree there are similarities, I would argue that there are major differences as well and its those differences that are key.

Maybe you should run for a governmental office.

Rather do something in the sciences, not really super into being a politician.

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