The Sad Truth About How Juvenile Justice Steals Children From Their Families

I found out about the tag familyprotection just recently but it made me very happy. I live in Ukraine but the representatives of juvenile justice ruin lives of children here too. I think it is very good that we have an opportunity to spread the information about terrible things the child protective services do throughout the world. It will help a lot in our struggle with them because parents from all parts of the world should  unite and not to fight alone. The representatives of juvenile justice make money on children and we should not let them do this terrible business in secret. I found out the reasons for which  the juvenile justice can take away chidren and got horrified. According to the laws the representatives of the child protective services have the right to steal a kid from any family.  You can lose your child because of a trifle. It is possible to take the children from a family for following reasons:

- a lack of job ( in spite of the fact we are having global economic crisis!);

- a lack of products in the fridge;

- if your house is in a poor state of repair ( but I think all of you know how low salaries are in Ukraine);

- a lack of proper sewerage at your home;

- furnace heating at home;

- if the children are without parental supervision ( and it does not matter if they were left with their grandparents or older brothers and sisters for an hour or two);

- if the children were not vaccinated in time;

- if there are any pets at home;

- for your "well-wishers`" denunciation (Please be careful if you quarreled with the neighbors or your kid`s teacher at school).

According to this law all parents and their children are in danger. I will tell you the story which took place in Russia. ( In Ukraine we have very similar laws) The woman commited suicide after the representatives of juvenile justice took her three children from her. Victoria had a quite wealthy family. But after her husband died and the house burnt down Victoria had no other choice as to rent a small apartment. The youngest child was only four months old and the middle child was three years old. Victoria`s mother did her best to help the daughter but she was retired and the pensions are very low in Russia. Victoria`s eldest son - 10-year-old Maxim was a very disobedient boy, his father`s death influenced on him very much. He ran away from home several times. After this the woman`s family came under close scrutiny of the child protective services. They began to visit Victoria very often and accused her of living in poverty. They also accused her of living in a rented apartment but not in her own house. After the next Maxim`s escape, the mother summoned the policemen and went to look for her son. But immediately the representatives of the protective services came and took away all the kids. Victoria`s mother is telling: "I was at home, Maxim had already come back. Suddenly the child protective services broke into our apartment. The baby was sleeping, they pulled out the sleeping baby out of his crib. The boy woke up and began to cry but nobody paid attention on him. The child protective services searched the whole apartment, they were looking for the documents for the children."


When Vika came back home her children had already not been there. The woman had a fit of hysteria when she found out about it. She was crawling on her knees, sobbing  and shouting that she could not live without her kids. Having decided that she would not see the children any more, Victoria hung herself from a tree ...

There was another sad story. Nadejda Kuznetsova was raised in a shelter so the state decided to help the girl and gave her the apartment. But this apartment was in an emergency condition (you see how the state "cares" for orphans). When a little later Nadejda gave birth to a child, the child protective services took away her baby because of ... inadequate housing conditions. But this is a paradox, don`t you think so?

Another story in the same region ended in tragedy. The representatives of the protective services took away three kids from a divorced mother. The woman had a job (she worked as a cook) but the representatives of juvenile justice accused her of the fact that her ex-husband was an alcoholic. Nadejda showed documents confirming that she had been for many years in divorce but nobody even  looked at them. Her three daughters were placed in a shelter. After a while, the mother found out that her eldest daughter, 15-year-old Christina, hanged herself. The girl repeatedly escaped from the orphanage, but she was returned back all the time ...

There are a plenty of such stories throughout the world and the saddest thing that juvenile justice uses children as a tool to make money. It seems those people have no soul at all. Children is our future and we should not let anybody to ruin their lives. I want to say thank you @canadian-coconut, @familyprotection, @markwhittam and other people who help mothers in their struggle for their own children. 


I am not exaggerating if I say that the strict laws established by justice which purports to protect children (in Western countries especially) are part of the wild capitalism and the New World order. Excellent Evening @kristinaljfom

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