The true Light that illuminated the world

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

There was the true light, which gives light to every man that comes into the world,

He was in the world, and the world was made by him and the world did not know him.

He came for what was his, and his people did not receive him.

But to all who received him he gave them the power to become children of God: to those who believe in his name.

Gospel of John 1: 9-10-11-12.


Beloved, although nobody understands us ... Jesus will always understand us.

If you are going through tests: illness, pain, someone who has already gone through the same experiences, tells you this morning: COURAGE, do not give up.

If no one answers you when you are in the middle of the affliction and when you ask for help:

HEART: There is someone who gave his life so that, when he cries, he sends him a COMFORTER, to wipe away his tears and alleviate his suffering.

The question I ask you this morning: do you really believe in that?

He is the Good Shepherd who did not save his own life, but gave himself up for all of us. He wants to motivate us by leaving this sublime exhortation:

"Do not let your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me". John 14: 1.

This promise means that in all circumstances, He will never abandon us and help us to face whatever the test is.

You have not found anyone to help you in your dreams, but there is someone who is always present: to give you the key to success and overcome the barriers.

He reveals to us how to achieve: forces and the necessary wisdom, to understand and overcome.

Throughout the Bible, His Holy Word, we can observe how He supplied everything for His people: those who trusted and obeyed Him.

Your Church is your precious asset that you will never reject or abandon.

David knew the excellence of his love. Then he was entrusted to him:

"Keep me as the eye child, hide me in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 17: 8.

He left us a precious fountain that is His Word. He observed his servant Joshua:

"Do not turn aside from your mouth the book of this Law: first, meditate on it day and night, so that you will be careful to do according to all that is written in it: because then you will make your path prosperous and then you will prudently conduct yourself " Joshua 1: 8

Beloved, this promise, no one in the world can give it as an answer to mortal man. No one can put out the anguish that goes in the hearts.

But there is someone who understands us and promises to heal our sorrows, many of which reside after a long time.

He invites us to love and without limits, as He loved us first. He invites us to let his love operate in our lives so we can share its benefits.

May we benefit from His grace to enable us to resist the violence, hatred, resentment and vengeance that reign in the world. He wants to enter and be the Lord of our life.

When Jesus found Zacchaeus, on top of that tree, he invited him:

"Zacchaeus, descend quickly, because, today, it suits me to land in your house". Luke 19: 5.

The same invitation makes you this morning.

When we observe what is happening throughout the earth, only HIS LOVE can bring peace and security to hearts. David knew the Source and was right to ask his Lord for help:

"Probe, O God, and know my heart: prove me and know my thoughts, and see if there is any evil way in me and guide me in the eternal way." Psalm 139: 23-24.

Beloveds, yes, we are right when we realize that nobody hears us, loves us or understands us. We are right when we think that nobody understands our affliction.

But we can not forget someone ... JESUS ​​who is sad when we are sad. Who suffers, when we suffer and we are not well.

He suffered the insult, ignored the Crown of Thorns. He observed well how they divided their Vestes and rejected him.

But everything endured because the love of the Father was in him. He had the courage, after all they did, to make this invitation:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and oppressed, and I will give you rest". Matthew 11:28.

He is able to flatten the "mountains" of our life and open a sure path that will lead us to green pastures, and will protect: even when we cross the valley of the shadow of death.

This is your message to you who thinks you are alone. VALUE. Amen.



This is the conviction that we must have as children of God, that we must not let that light that Jesus lit with his coming to earth turn out and teach the people of certain hope, that we will be resurrected at the second coming of our Lord. Excellent messege Sister

Resteem by: EC


It is so inspiring this message sister Kristal, the design says it confirms everything, Jesus is the light that the world needs not to walk in darkness. God bless you greatly.

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