More Brains Less Love ?

in #brain8 years ago (edited)


Conversely,  the picture above depicts that the lesser the brain or intelligence of a person the more love he feels at heart.

How true is this ?

May be its True !

We come across some basic people with no education or high intelligence but with full of love. 

They do not think of all the complexities of living or the state of affairs of our civilization.

They rise in the morning very early, go to their fields and slog all day, at the end of the day they come together as one big family and the next thing they do is eat, rejoice and go to bed again.

This kind of people have their hearts full of love and nothing else in it.

We also see the stiff headed, know all, well breads with heart full of despair, jealousy, fear, conceit and hatred but they are learned to the core and live the so called great lives.

Is all that worth it ?

But there seems to be no hard cut rules.

It can be either way around ! 

So, keep the faith ! 

Love and Laughter,

Krish Madampath. 


well i think it's true in most cases. Intelligent peoples just think differently.
normal people think it's just a rock but if you ask the same question to a scientist they will say it's an arrangement of atoms and molecules and bla bla bla...
Great post sending this to curie.

Thanks for you interest in the subject, well said - intelligent people just think differently, can I also add that intelligent people also think and worry unnecessarily this could possibly explain the reason for the number of suicides among educated people far outnumbering the uneducated.

Really weird how emotional intelligence (EQ) is NOT related to IQ!

Thankyou for your interest in the topic, to quote "There was significant overlap between general intelligence and emotional intelligence, both in behavioral measures and brain activity. Higher scores on general intelligence tests and personality reliably predicted higher performance on measures of emotional intelligence, and many of the same brain regions (in the frontal and parietal cortices) were found to be important to both".

EQ vs IQ = Steem Price Vs Steem Volume - the relationship can get complex v.quickly!

Nice analogy, lol, less volume (of this article) more price I guess !

I noticed that people with a higher IQ get disappointed in love quite often. Don't know why. And, besides, they just have a larger scope of interests.

Yes, more IQ results in more choices in the thought chain.
Thus more reasons to get disappointed...

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