Say Fuck You To Headaches

in SteemSTEM4 years ago

Whenever you have a headache you likely feel like screaming out all the obscene swear words you now. Maybe it is a better idea than you thought.

Whenever you have a headache you likely feel like screaming out all the obscene swear words you now. Maybe it is a better idea than you thought.


Image by VSRao from Pixabay

Imagine two clumsy people. Both of them manage to leave their hand behind when closing the door, hurting themselves in the process. The first one yells out “Dandelion!” while the other one uses the much more common “Fuck!” or any other swear word of your choosing.

For quite some time now, scientists have been wondering – which one of these two guys will feel more pain, and thus they decided to perform a few experiments. The latest research was published in the Frontiers in Psychology

Torture By Cold Water

The basic principle was very simple. The researchers made volunteers go through a thermal shock and observed how they handled it. The volunteers also reacted to the paint by saying out prepared words ranging from completely neutral words up to the ever so popular word – fuck.

So, what were the results? Well, first we need a bit more information about thermal shock. The volunteers put their hand into water with a temperature close to 0° Celsius and were supposed to last in the water as long as possible. The scientists were measuring their heart activity and other values to discover any hidden reactions to the thermal shock.

Now, the data. People who were yelling out “Fuck!” were capable of handling the cold water for long. Swearing allowed their psyche to increase its pain resistance. The words that performed the worst were the words “Twizpipie” and some neutral words like “Dandelion”

Sadly, at the moment we do not have an exact explanation of why swearing works to help you deal with pain. One of the hypotheses is that it activates the amygdala which creates an aggressive stress reaction known as fight-or-fight. This results in adrenaline being released into the system and reducing the pain or at least increasing your resistance to it.


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Image by VSRao from Pixabay

Imagine two clumsy people. Both of them manage to leave their hand behind when closing the door, hurting themselves in the process. The first one yells out “Dandelion!” while the other one uses the much more common “Fuck!” or any other swear word of your choosing.

For quite some time now, scientists have been wondering – which one of these two guys will feel more pain, and thus they decided to perform a few experiments. The latest research was published in the Frontiers in Psychology

Torture By Cold Water

The basic principle was very simple. The researchers made volunteers go through a thermal shock and observed how they handled it. The volunteers also reacted to the paint by saying out prepared words ranging from completely neutral words up to the ever so popular word – fuck.

So, what were the results? Well, first we need a bit more information about the thermal shock. The volunteers put their hand into water with a temperature close to 0° Celsius and were supposed to last in the water as long as possible. The scientists were measuring their heart activity and other values to discover any hidden reactions to the thermal shock.

Now, the data. People who were yelling out “Fuck!” were capable of handling the cold water for long. Swearing allowed their psyche to increase its pain resistance. The words that performed the worst were the words “Twizpipie” and some neutral words like “Dandelion”

Sadly, at the moment we do not have an exact explanation of why swearing works to help you deal with pain. One of the hypotheses is that it activates the amygdala which creates an aggressive stress reaction known as fight-or-fight. This results in adrenaline being released into the system and reducing the pain or at least increasing your resistance to it.


  • If you like the content I’m producing about science maybe you will like the content I produce about gaming as well! Be sure to check out my other posts!

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