Another White Russian, Please!

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Isn't it funny that being a Russian I love me some white Russian?! It isn't because I'm supposed to be into vodka a lot, I promise haha, I just love coffee. And why not have some coffee in the evenings as well, but with a little bit of spirits :D. It's weekend you guys, time to get a tiny pinch loose and have a glass of this deliciousness!
Here is the basic recipe everyone knows, but hey, maybe YOU don't?!


  • 1 part Kahlua;
  • 1 part vodka;
  • 1 part heavy cream or milk.
    And there is one more thing I love to add into mine, it is:
  • a little bit of heavy cherry syrup, yum!


Fill your glass with a few ice cubes, pour vodka, Kahlua and milk or heavy cream into it, add in some cherry syrup, top it off with shredded chocolate, coffee, cocktail cherries (which I sadly didn't have at the time), chocolate syrup and indulge this perfect cup of coffee for night owls :D.



nice one @kotturinn! It's been ages since I had a White Russian last time but I love it... but now I'm waiting for a shipment of quality spirits from @spirits4you all bought and paid for with Steem, looking forward! :D


Sounds interesting, spirits you can pay for with steem, I am into this! Do you happen to know if they have any good European wines?

I will look into it and come back to ya! :)

Sounds good :P

1 часть Калуа - это что? транслейты иногда странно переводят...

Калуа - это кофейный ликер, если стакан разделить на 3 части, то 3я часть каждого ингредиента :)
Хотя, я добавила молока больше, чем в орингинальном рецепте.

спасибо, не знала)

A great drink, but with brandy it's even better. And also an hour with cognac and ginger - an excellent relaxing and toning drink. Good luck and kind.

Отличный напиток, но вот с коньяком оно еще лучше. А также час с коньяком и имбирем – отличный расслабляющий и тонизирующий напиток. Удачи вам и добра.

I don't think I've had it with brandy, sounds good actually, thanks for the recommendation!

Oh, I'm so excited, I didn't know that you were also Russian! Greetings from Russia. I've never tried coffee with vodka. It turns out, can you? I like coffee with cognac or liqueur. Maybe one day I dare to try it with vodka. Although, I hate the taste of vodka. May be my Russian genes glitched on me?

Cool, where in Russia do you live?

Well, this is not exactly coffee in this drink, it is a coffee liqueur called Kahlua:

I highly recommend this cocktail, it is pretty delicious :P

I live in Central Russia in a small village.

Nice, I am originally from Crimea!

My mother is originally from Kerch. Then she spent youth in the Krasnodar region, city Novorossiysk. But dad took her to Central Russia. I keep telling her "Why you left the sea, and those South of the place?" My dream is to return permanently back to the sea. House by the sea my bright dream. I hope I will carry it out!

Oh wow, that is cool, I was actually born in Kerch, it is nice there, I love being able to go to the sea any time I want, luckily we got a river here :D.
Hope your dream comes true asap!

щас судя по популярности пива в россии, везде надо вместо водки пиво лить))

Кстати, да хаха. Наврное, дорого стоит лецензия на крепкие напитки.

Can't say i've had a White Russian, but i'd give it a shot! (no pun intended)

Hm, @alovelymess does turn 21 next month...

Sounds like an excellent occasion :)

A White Russian is a cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream served with ice in an Old Fashioned glass. Often milk will be used as an alternative to cream.

This cocktail is very tempting, my mouth is watery when I saw the picture of this full of temptation kind of cocktail.

I love to try mixing this drink at home! Great guide on how to prepare this cocktail. Very interesting post, I give this an upvote and hey I followed you and will be following you starting today.

Have a great day ahead! Feel free to visit my profile and post if you have spare of time!

Thanks, Wikipedia :D

Hope you have an awesome day too!

Thanks a bunch to give a nice recipe to use. I'm a food blogger and I'm pleased that you shared a very nice recipe. I love to try this one at home. It looks so delicious

Nice composition..... just cheers! @kotturinn

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