Have you seen your double?

in #peoples8 years ago (edited)

Picture with your face accompanies you on documents. When you get older, your friends whom you have not seen in years, unerringly recognize you in the crowd on the street. Sometimes it seems that our appearance is so individual that we'll never get the chance to meet similar man. However, at one point all these illusions can shatter.

The Story Of Neil Douglas

Neil Douglas, one day flying to Ireland for a wedding, recalls: "I went to the cabin among the latter. Moving to his place, I saw that there is already someone sitting there. I had to ask a stranger to move. Imagine my surprise when I looked this man in the face. Our resemblance was striking. At some point I thought I was looking at him, as if in a mirror. This silent scene noticed the other passengers. Soon the whole cabin burst into a loud laugh. I couldn't resist and took a photo for memory with his counterpart".

The thought occupying the minds of people a few millennia

The people are of the opinion that each person on earth has their own copy. Many of us rarely leave the native place, therefore have no chance to see his "reflection". Chance to find a twin falls only. However, in many literary works can be traced like a red thread the idea of casual Dating two people are alike. Some royalty at the time was scared to death of the possibility of a meeting with his copy. Somewhere, in another city, maybe even in another country, he lives exactly the same person he's got eyes for your mother and this mole on my lip that you want to keep. But you are royalty, and you should not worry for a place on the throne. The only thing you want to know it's true. What are the potential chance to find your double?

Until recently, few people cared about the answer to this amazing question. Lives like you people - and live, what do you care? But if we consider this problem from the standpoint of forensics, what is the probability for an innocent person to be in the dock perfect for someone similar crime? This problem decided to take Tegan Lucas, an employee of the University of Adelaide. Female colleagues gained access to the collection of photographs in the database of American soldiers and methodically studied the faces of nearly four thousand people. The main criterion for the similarity was recognized, the distance between the eyes and ears. However, it was considered an additional seven parameters. And then mathematically calculated the probability that those two people can be identical.

The results of the study will be encouraged by some and discouraged others

If you expect to find his double, I hasten to disappoint you. According to Tegan Lucas, the chance to meet his exact copy - less than one-trillionth of a percent. These results were calculated only for the eight indicators. However, this circumstance will be delighted the police. Their conscience will remain clean. Confrontation, or the sketch with absolute certainty point to the real culprit. And here almost certainly cannot be wrong. And if before in the courts of the victims was taken to be interested, but what if the suspect just strikingly similar to the real culprit, now such issues can be considered inappropriate. On our planet lives of almost 7.5 billion people. There is a tiny chance (one in 135) that is found at least one pair of people, whose faces are completely identical.

"A theorem about infinite monkeys"

These results may be explained by "a theorem about infinite monkeys", is widely known in scientific circles. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put primacy at the typewriter and to teach the animal pounding on the keys? Is through a chaotic set of keys can come out the complete works of William Shakespeare? It's like, what to look for among the endless faces in the crowd my identical twin.

The diversity of human individuals, it is impossible to identify eight features

Creating a human face, nature tried to glory. To discover the complete similarity between people, not only the eight major traits. So, according to today's experts, identical copies none of the people living on Earth. Our understanding of human similarities individual. Sometimes you just look at someone and take that person for someone else. When you look at these people individually, you think about their striking similarity. However, you should put the twins next, you will immediately notice some significant differences. At some point you catch yourself thinking that these people do not like.

Person with the average face easier to find a double

If you have short blonde hair, brown eyes and fleshy nose, most likely you will find your copy in the UK. Besides, at Albion, according to statistics, most of the bearded men. Therefore, if a man has a bushy beard, a chance to find his twin potentially increases. If we look at the numerous "clones" of celebrities, maybe we'll believe in this theory. Source: nlo-mir.ru


I have always thought that everyone has a twin somewhere. I have seen random people over the years thinking it is someone I know but it turns out to just be someone that looks like them.

I guess there are only so many looks that can be created for humans so we have to have a twin somewhere.

Fascinating! I've heard from many friends that I have a double in my hometown, but I've never seen him myself. Btw, check out the movie "Enemy" on the subject.

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