Control Your anger

Well anger is a normal emotion that we tend to express subsequently in the cause of our lives. Some can have internal triggers and others external as the case may be. For some people like myself ibtry as much as I can not to allow this feeling overwhelm me whenever I do get angry but its not as easy as it sound.



People Push can You to that point we call your "breaking point" where you can nearly handle it any longer. So when put in such situations how do we handle it. Here ate some tips I feel can help.




this sounds like a silly advice because when one really gets angry no one takes a chill to give it a thought. We say and so things that we end up regretting afterwards so before taking that action why not take a moment and think through it.


it is said two wrongs cannot make it right, when I get angry and I notice both parties are triggered I like to have an edge so I just chill and analyze before I speak. So as to make sure someone is thinking and acting sanely and its always I. try it out.


Did I just say forgive? yes I just did. when I was advice to always look at my offender first from the view point of ignorance I should be ready to forgive I thought this was absurd. Most people do not really deserve to be forgiven but then I tried unforgiveness then I found that it was just a hell of a burden. Don't forgive because they deserve, forgive because you don't deserve the burden.


I haveblearnt over time that walking away is never a sign of cowardise but rather a sign of maturity. So when someone angers you just leave them be. They cannot fight with themselves can they? Be the better man.


Sometimes I have found out that the emotion of anger itself comes from a very wrong perception of things. The problem might not be the next person, it might just be your way of interpreting and viewing situations. Its funny how a question like Are You crazy? can sound like an insult when others would consider it just a mere question. Check your perception.

Authors Note

There are several ways to win a fight and the least of them is with your fist. Think, Think, Think again then act. notice I said Think thrice that's because you should always have the mental edge. how would you if you act only on impulse and not reasoning...

Thanks for reading


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