Professional growth and personal healing!

Just past midnight is the blogging hour here at the @kommienezuspadt. Although, @guthrie is sound asleep. […slacker], @vermillionfox and I are both lying in bed writing our nightly Steemit posts. I took a domestic day to do a mountain of dishes, four loads of laundry and clean the house. An hour phone call with the @eos.detroit team, and @guthrie and I watched The Hobbit. I even got in a few hours of drawing with @bryanpolittie at @caffetto. I like full days that check all the boxes and this was a great one.

Tonight’s photos are from mid 2015 if I recall. More than just the esthetics and imagery, this post will touch on something most professionals with face at some point. What to do with work you’re proud of, that has been somehow tainted by a work experience or other-artly occurrence. During the prime of my prolific posting on Steemit in 2017, I came across the images several times and declined to share them. This particular client, things didn’t end well with. I won’t go in to it, but it affected my emotional attachment to the images themselves.

I’m shedding that here tonight. I was scraping through older photography and came across this shoot, again. “Time heals all wounds”, and in some ways, I suppose that’s what’s happening here. I made memories in Los Angeles that I’ll keep with me my entire life and I’m finally at a point I can showcase the results of this final shoot the culminated a long collaborative relationship. I hate to be so cryptic, but I don’t like to publicly air dirty laundry or name names. All I’ll say is, I’m finally ready to show these photos on my personal blog.

These little personal developments are the essence of what I love about Steemit. The unexpected ways that this platform bridges the community with the personal. Tomorrow I’m going to have a chance to meet up with my friend and comic mentor, @swarddraws. I’m hoping to finish something I can show off to @ghostfish when we meet this weekend. Thank you all for supporting my blog and giving me the time and space to share so much. For more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!


The picture with the window is so cool!

Well you've definitely aired your photos irrespective of the emotions attached to it, and well we shoot some it ends up bad we shoot the other, it ends up good it won't always be cool though. Awesome capture by the way

Hi Lars, nice to read your post again. Old photos? But still interesting. Sexy model and your shots are also very perfect. Looks of high artistic value. Have a nice day, sir. .

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