sketch creation !!!

in #sketch7 years ago

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It was long ago. when I was very much into sketching and rendering. I would sketch whatever I will find interesting. I buy lots and lots of books for learning these as then I didn't know anything about Youtube :P.

My father would get be art and sketch books whenever he will see one . And I would be more then happy for that.
This was too from one of these books that I made.

Yesterday, when I saw my old work sitting in a trunk, I thought of sharing them will all. It's definitely not the perfect one but it surely shows one of my try to do better. And now I am eager to take the pencils back in my hand and looking forward to create more.

This is the thing about sketching, you don't need much of stuff. Just a pencil and smallest of a work pad. but yeah! Lot of you indeed. It brings out the observation power, eye for the details and so much of good skill.

So, create yours and share with everybody and share your reviews and thoughts on mine :)

have a COLORFUL day
Thank you <3


I still love this one.


beauty lies in the eyes of beholder :) :D

And the feeling of being beautiful solely exists in the minds of beheld..:)

loved your work with this one! :)

Glad you liked it :D :D

This one is amazing :)

thank you :* <3

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