in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

Now I know that this is not one of my normal musical, poetic or fictional posts. I want to take us on a journey. Only people who have been in my life for at least 6 years would know this.

Thank you @jerrybanfield, for giving me a platform to share this with the world. Steemians feel free to come and share your supernatural experience on this one.

While I was in grade 5, I always noticed that my eyes twitched and mildly during the day. As a kid I always complained to my parents and they, out of love would take me to see an eye doctor, time and time again I passed all the tests; which meant that my eyesight was perfect. This dance which my eye was accustomed to continued for some years and took another route when I entered into high school, particularly in SS2 (senior secondary), more like the class before I enter my finals in high school.

I woke up that morning experiencing that same twitch, but this time it became very irritating, and extremely painful. As expected, I rubbed my eyes, hoping it would stop…but it just got worse. I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash it off and I was fine; no more twitching. I relaxed a bit, but noticed that that particular eye was red. When my parents woke up that morning, before I left for school, they saw it and asked, and I told them that the eye was itchy and I rubbed it. They asked if I was okay, and I assured them that I was fine, of course I was. Funny enough the redness, didn’t subside, it stayed red for a few more days then eventually my entire left eye was completely blood shut.

At this point my parents were completely disoriented, they didn’t know what to do, what to say or even how to get me to listen to them and stop rubbing my eyes. How could I have stopped? It was painful and sweet at the same time, I couldn’t help it.

I was just 15, but had the eyes of a man who has lost his senses to drugs. Or maybe someone who just enjoys evil. haha

My dad got me an appointment with a University Teaching Hospital in my state (ABSUTH), I went there to see a professional eye doctor. Soon as she walked into her office and saw my eyes, she broke down because she was a mother and imagined I was her own son, but a scientist is always a scientist, she quickly got out her camera, and invited some of her internship students to come around and watch as she took pictures from different angles of my eye. I was asked to lie down and a swab was used to collect a sample of the redness in the eye for more tests. Few days later I came back to the hospital for the results and I went home with four different sets of eye drops and one ointment. I had to use them… all of them… thrice in a day with the exception of the ointment, which I only applied to my eyes at night.

After a few weeks, I was now better, the redness and the itching were all gone. Back at the hospital the lady who went to work on my eyes some weeks before, was busy showing off how good she was. All was back to normal now.
Exactly one month after this victory my right eye started its own dance, it was so red that it now affected the left again. Now both my eyes were blood shut. The eye doctor at that hospital was no longer an option, so my mum took me to a private hospital owned by some interesting people. I call them interesting because after they diagnosed my eye, they gave recommendations and instructions that were about to cripple my lively existence.
The eye doctor at that private eye clinic advised me thus after giving me new sets of eye drops:

  • Do not stay under a fan
  • Do not drink cold water
  • Do not take anything cold
  • Wear dark shades everywhere you go
    How do you want to explain a 15 year old who wears dark shades everywhere he goes and had the reddest eye in the world?

As far as I was concerned, my life was over. The redness was over only for a few weeks and resumed again, only this time I was now my own certified eye specialist by experience. I didn’t have to visit any hospital this time, I would just head over to the nearest drug store and pick up the eye drops that I need.

This continued for years and even got me a nick, ”Mr. Red Eye”.

I think that at some point my eyes got used the eye drops I now used, so much so that I had to buy them in bulk ahead of time. I graduated from High school and entered the university with this chronic eye condition that really had no name. One of the many eye specialist I visited, called it a chronic allergic reaction to something. As far as I was concerned, I was allergic to nothing.

My dad had now changed tactics, he carried me from one prayer house to the next. Once he heard of any “powerful” man of God in town, he would carry me to meet the person. This too wasn’t working.

One fateful night my personal Spiritual Father, REV. Chris Oyakhilohme had, during one of our online programs, prayed for me. As far as I was concerned I was healed. That very day I told my parents that I wasn’t going to touch another eye drop. You couldn’t imagine what happened, the situation got so bad that my pupil began to shrink and the white part was seemingly swallowing it up. This never changed any of my confessions, whenever someone asked me why my eyes were red, I always replied them the same way.

My eyes? Red? You aren’t seeing clearly. My eyes are perfect white

Irrespective of how red and teary my eyes were, my confessions never changed.

Guys guess what? It’s been over 4 years… and my eyes have remained as white as white can be. I haven’t used one single eye drop in over 4 years and I do not plan to touch any for the rest of my stay, here on earth.

Screenshot (26).png

The supernatural truly exists. I am a living proof of what faith can do.

images were gotten from pixabay.com with the exception of my brand name klynic and my pretty cute face


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