♣How Are Stars and Planets Made?♣

in #kr6 years ago

How Are Stars and Planets Made?


How Are Stars and Planets Made? In space, there is a mass called an asteroid cloud where dust and gas are mixed. And it slowly contracts with gravity, and eventually it creates stars and planets around it.

What is the standard of stars being born? You can light yourself. It's emitting light because it starts to fuse hydrogen at the center, and it requires a temperature of 10 million degrees Celsius for hydrogen fusion to occur.
Normally, it is cold at minus 260 degrees Celsius. But when the star clouds slowly contract and compress a million times, the temperature goes up to 10 million degrees Celsius and stars are born.
And as the circumferential cloud becomes more constricted by gravity, as it spins faster, the spinning disk creates a disk, and the planetary system is formed from that spinning disk.


In the course of the star's birth, a disk must be created, and it's very recent to observe it. One of the most important achievements since the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990 has been observing the newborn star. But we didn't actually see the disk, but we saw it in the shadows that the disk was hiding, and we saw it indirectly.

We recently tied 66 radio telescopes to the Atacama Desert in Chile to form the world's largest array, called the ALMAAtacama Large Millimeter Array. You can use ALMA to see the disk spinning around each baby, and you can see the waves from the cold dust on the disk. In fact, on the disk we observed, there is a line that looks like a tree ring, and the black line gives us strong evidence that planets are made.

The surface is hot and the equator is cold because the disks made as matter is pulled by baby are heated by the stars in the center. The closer you get to the stars, the hotter they get and the colder they get. Interstellar matter is a mass of dust and gas, where dust particles settle to the equator and hit each other to grow in size. As it grows older, it creates rocky masses, which are the basic building blocks of planets.

Since most water molecules are cold from any point on the disk, they are frozen to dust particles, and a little closer to the center, the ice evaporates. Because the universe has low atmospheric pressure, ice goes through liquid conditions and becomes a gas. The spot where the ice evaporates is called the Snow Line. Why is the snow line important? This is because it determines the size of the planet. When a mass of dust, a lump of rock, is held together, ice particles act like glue. So where there is ice, the mass of rock on the planet can grow better.

In the solar system, there would be snowlines on the asteroid belt on the disk at the time the solar system was formed. While the inside of the asteroid belt is ice free and can not grow large due to the formation of rocks, the outside of the asteroid belt can grow into large chunks of rock because dust is covered with ice.
This mass of rock is called landmakiness, and as it rotates around the center, it collides and merges and creates mass to form a planet. When the Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago, when the primitive Earth orbited, it collided with many of the rocky masses in its orbit, and the entire planet was in a state of molten rock.


Over time, when most of the Earth's orbit is cleaned up, there is no more collision and the Earth cools down slowly. And the heavy elements of the Earth, like iron and nickel, then sink to the center. And light materials such as carbon and silicon rise to the surface and form crust. This action is called differentiation, and the Earth goes through the process of differentiation and has an inner core, outer core, mantle, and other components. The outer core of the Earth is liquid because not only are the residual heat from the collision remaining inside the Earth, but also the energy generated by radioactive isotopes breaking down. The mantle is not a liquid, but it is a fluid form.

But what else needs to be on the surface of a rock planet to make life? Liquid water is important, because it is an important medium for promoting life. A planet too close to the center star is so hot that all the water becomes steam and flies away, and the place too far away is very cold that most of the water is ice. But when the planet is in a proper position, water stays liquid and causes life. So, the area in which terrestrial planets are located at a moderate distance from the core to where water is present as a liquid state is called the life habitat zone.

But the area where liquid water can exist depends on the nature of the center. Especially temperature. Cold stars have red colors, and hot stars have more blue lights. Usually, the higher the temperature of a star, the bigger its size and mass. The life habitat around the blue, large and hot stars will be farther away than the life habitat around the small, cold red star.

Would it always be possible to communicate if we find a suitable habitat for life on an alien planet and send a signal to it? Not necessarily. This is because star life varies from star to star.
The preceding graph also shows the color of the color, which is the temperature and brightness of the stars, and when you take a picture of the temperature and brightness of the stars in our galaxy, 90 percent of the stars belong to a diagonal called the main temperature. The hot blue stars along the diagonal are large and bright in mass. In comparison, low temperatures and small masses are red. Stars are already determined by their mass. For example, the Sun has a life span of 10 billion years, and now that it's about five billion years, it's going to live another five billion years.

Stars have a large, bright, hot life span. In comparison, the mass is small, the temperature is low, and the red star has a long life. Stars that are twice the mass of the Sun have a lifespan of 2 billion years, 10 times the Sun is only 30 million years. It took four billion years for the Earth to be created, life to develop, and Homo sapiens to appear and build a civilization. So I don't think every planet in the biosphere has intelligent life. If you mark the date when a big event in space occurred for 138 billion years, the Earth's one year and 12 months, the solar system will be 92 billion years, or September, after the Big Bang happened. When the solar system is created, the first life forms on Earth. And yet, it was 11:52 p.m. on December 31 that day. And the invention of the alphabet that maximized the development of civilization happened about 11:59 p.m. on December 31. That means that we have to evolve over this long period of time to create intelligent beings like us. Therefore, it seems difficult to find planets with intelligent life around stars that are large and bright in mass.

It is Kepler Mission to search for Earth-like planets around sun-like stars, among which about 2,300 have been found since the Kepler space telescope was launched in 2009. And as a planet passes through the front of each center, the brightness of each planet decreases, and Kepler mission checks for its existence. We looked at about 200,000 stars and found 20 planets like the Earth. There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, so you can estimate that there are 10 million planets like the Earth.

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