Queryjane | Development update

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)



QueryJane is a web application developed with Django that allows to connect with companies and experts in different sectors of the cannabis industry. Beta version is available here.

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I have taken some outstanding tasks for quite some time on our trello board. This is a group of pending features and functionalities that were really necessary to close the development of some modules of the application. Let me show you:

New Features

Email notifications for privacy policy and user agreement updates.

Recently I have added some new functionalities that allow platform administrators to update the privacy policy and the user agreement. When these items are updated, a platform notification is created for all registered users. Now, I have added an extra notification. Users will be notify via email about user agreement and privacy policy updates.

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We have a module to manage email notifications in the profile settings page, but, there is not an option to deactivate email notifications when the legal items are updated because these kind of changes in the privacy policy or in the user agreement should be always notified.

Detailed code changed can be found in this commit

Created periodic task to close old job offers.

Registered companies can create job offers and company administrators can close the job offers when they wish. But, created job offers must have a limit time to be active in the platform. For this reason, I have created a new periodic task, that will run every days, and will check if there are job offers with more than 60 days of created. These job offers will be closed automatically by the application. Company administrators will receive platform notifications about closed job offers:

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Notification detail:

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Detailed code changes can be found in this commit

Address Book: Contacts.

Now, users can remove contacts directly from the address book page:

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A confirmation dialog will be displayed before remove definitely a contact from the address book:

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Also, users can send direct messages to contacts from the address book page. By clicking the green button "send message", the compose message modal will be displayed and the full conversation will be loaded:

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detailed code changes can be found in these commits: commit 1, commit 2.

Address Book: Companies.

In the same way that with the added contacts to the address book, companies can be removed now directly from the address book page:

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A confirmation will be displayed when removing a company from the address book:

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In the same way that with the contacts, if users click the green button "send message", the compose message form will be available and the full conversation with the company will be loaded.

Detailed code changes can be found in these commits: commit 1, commit 2.

Users can delete and update their feedback for a company

I have added some time ago a new functionality to rate registered companies. Users are able to rate and add feedback to registered users. Now, Users can remove their feedback:

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If a user clicks the red button "remove", a confirmation dialog will be displayed:

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If a user removes his a feedback, new company rating will be updated immediately in the ajax response.

Also, users can edit their feedback to a company by clicking the blue button "Edit":

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The score form will be available, with the user feedback like initial values in the starts input and in the comment input. User can change these values and the new feedback will be updated immediately.

Detailed code changes can be found in these commits: commit 1, commit 2.

GitHub Account



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How to contribute

QueryJane has been developed using the Django framework. You can fork the project, and run it locally is very easy. Follow the steps described in the open source repository installation guide. The project has been configured using Docker. you only need to install Docker and follow these steps.

I have created the initial project documentation using sphinx. I have documented the project requirements and some installation instructions. Docs are available here. I will be adding more code documentation soon.

Future work.

Take a look to our public trello board. This is the easiest way to know our roadmap.

If you want to contribute, please join my Discord

Have happy days ✌


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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thanks for the contribution, @kit.andres! Some cool features, keep up the great work!

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Hey @kit.andres
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!

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