My EOS Lamp...

in #art6 years ago


As this was rendering in the background I thought of something:

What if all 1B EOS were locked in stake, in other words what if 1B coins were all in one staking wallet, will it still generate rewards on top of it? hmm....

I thought to make this 3d bedroom lamp and I started with the shape ofcourse which consist of 4 equilater triangles and 3 rhomboids, each shape has the same amount of area which makes it a special geometric form in my opinion, I like to link it to the concept of equality and justice...

the base...

the first triangle is based at a 270 degree celcius internal angle with the base side...

so is the rest of them...

then the rhomboids are simply made of the adjacent sides of the trinangles and closing on the central axis of the base as you can see below...

I then created a small light object to be set inside the form and exported for rendering...

as you can see... the light is set along the base barycentric axis at the structure midpoint...

and we are done! off to exporting for the rendering work...

here we are set and ready to shot for the star xD

adding the necessary material properties to my structure elements such as ligh, refflections, specularity etc...

Initially I went for the dialectic lateral glass...and now that I think about it I see it like a desert tent, a place of restoration and cover from the killer sun...amazing in fact metaphorically this is how I see EOS, a life saving technology...
night lamp.jpg

unpurposely it could now represents the sun in the right corner, the sides of the Egyptian pyramids and the "white" path of Moses leading to salvation...I love it...

I think I might make a desert EOS tent sitting on the dunes in the next post...

Then I decided to kinda close it to see the effects and gave it a bumpy translucent glass effect on the sides and a rather fabric textural material to the rhomboids as you can see...

Finally I worked on something between the two I guess, now that I think about it...

and that was my journey to this EOS lamp concept...

So what do you think?...
In a scenario of 1 billions EOS being staked, what will be the outcome?

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