This Is My Family Steemian by @kingmyke

in Colombia-Original3 years ago

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When I was born and brought up in conventional education, I was taught a lot of things. One of the earliest things I ever learnt back in kindergarten, which we sang over and over again, mixed and turned into rhymes and songs, was what a family is. We all know the everyday definition of family. Then why am I asked the question that forms the topic of today?

The world is an ever evolving place and with this evolution is the increase in the connectivity around the world. Day after day, technology has made the world and increasingly smaller place, bringing people closer to each other and making it more and more possible to form deep relationships and connections that could last for a lifetime. Social and virtual families are being created every day. People are always seeing places where they can fit in, make valuable contributions that would bring them the social recognition and satisfaction that they so deeply crave, and be happier than they thought was imaginable.

In this hyperconnected world, family goes beyond the people with whom we have blood relation. Family are those who care for us, who look after us, who call on us when we are alone, who weep and cry with us when we are sad and dejected, those who correct you when you go down the wrong path, those who celebrate your successes as well as get you through your moments of defeat, those who bring ideas and opportunities to you so that you can key in into the opportunity and become successful together, and so much more.

It does not matter whether they are right beside us physically or whether the Atlantic separates you and them and you have never met before in physical.

The word "family" is undergoing constant evolution.

Now, I must say that my Steemit family is extremely large. It is the entire #campusconnect community!!! We are one big family under one wonderful grandfather, @whitestallion. He birthed everyone of us, some directly and some indirectly. He is an amazing grandfather despite his busy schedule. He makes out time to attend to all his grandkids and be there for us.

However, I will be showing you my immediate, or nuclear, Steemit family.


Screenshot (893).pngThe Day I Was Born Into Steemit

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It Was Truly A Day To Remember...



Without a heartbeat, @whitestallion is my grandfather and not just to me, but to his over 1000 children on #campusconnect. Grandfather is simply amazing.

I met grandfather the day I was born into steemit as well through the meeting that my Steemit Dad invited me to.

Despite his achievement at the time (and now he has continued to achieve even a whole lot more on Steemit), he is extremely humble and easy going. It is grandfather's desire that all his children do well and grow to become successful Steemitians. He does this by constantly supporting us and directing us.

Grandfather is just wonderful. Despite how busy he is, he still makes out time to talk to his children on WhatsApp and social media. He still makes time to catch up with all of us, have fun with us, make conversations, answer all our questions, solve all our problems and to just be there for him. I could not have asked for a better grandfather on Steemit.

He keeps on motivating us and telling us to keep up the hard work. He knows how our lives could turn out if we continued to work hard on Steemit because he is a Steemit success. He currently has over 15k SP and the whole community is proud of him.

What I really like about him is his consistency, his down-to-earth nature as he is always there for his family and community and his commitment to Steemit. We talk like everyday.

Congratulations grandfather!!!



Screenshot_20220120-144612_Chrome.jpg @emmanuel-malume

A dad is someone who brought you into this world, right? Well, here you go. This is the person that brought me into the Steemit world, @emmanuel-malume. He'd always been a good friend of mine as we both graduated from the same High School.

I can clearly remember the day he brought me into this world. It was a fateful afternoon when we had just finished our Anatomy class and I saw him with a bunch of guys (@rexxalo and @alphafx, I'd not known them back then) and I decided to chip into the discussion.

They were talking about a meeting that was to hold that evening. The administrator (@whitestallion) of my steemit community, #campusconnect, was coming to our school buy back then I did not really know what they were talking about. @emmanuel-malume just said that I should come for the meeting and that I would love it. So I came and my life was changed; that was the day I, @kingmyke, was born.

After my birth, @emmanuel-malume was helpful for the early days on this Steemit Earth. Soon after, he handed me over to others I will introduce here.



So, a mum is the one who takes good care of you with so much passion and affection. No one fits this role in my Steemit journey than @sandrakez.

Back in my early days on Steemit, up till the moments when her activities online dropped, she was always there for me. I had so many questions, and like a new born, was directionless and helpless. She was always there to answer every single question that I had.

I remember when I was starting out on my achievement posts and I couldn't use markdowns. She literally taught me how to use some of the basic ones I use till this day on all my posts.

Funny enough, before Steemit, I always used to see her around but we hardly ever spoke to each other except the usual, "hey's" and "hi's". On the day I was "birthed" by @emmanuel-malume in that meeting, I saw her as well. I got to know her for who she truly was; a nice, open, smart, and fun person. Steemit brought us together and gave us a common ground to communicate on.

Steem On!!!


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An elder brother is one who has had more experience on Earth than you and who will guide you based on those experiences. He explains life to you as he has seen it through his perspective; he explains his past troubles and mistakes to you and helps you not make them like he did. He guides you and tells you of tales of when he was alone and helpless and assures you that you will not go through that same trouble as he did.

@rexxalo is my Steemit elder brother. I remember, at the beginning of my journey, I was super ecstatic about becoming the best I could possibly be on Steemit. @rexxalo would occasionally calm me down and tell me not to get ahead of myself and not to try to overwork myself.

When making my first post on Steemit, i was in his room. Back then, I didn't know anything about the rules on Steemit and I was virtually plagiarising until he saw me and told me to stop.

Time and time again, he has been there for me so I could have a great Steemit journey. Just like @sandrakez helped me, he was also very kind and gentle with me and answered all my questions.



On the day I was born into this Steemit family, I was also gifted with a twin brother, @samsteem1000.

He is a fellow colleague in school and a flatmate as well. Turns out that Steemit brought us even a lot closer as we embarked on different projects together to become better Steemitians.

I remember when we use to always brainstorm to come up with radical ideas for our posts in our community. Some of the ideas turned out to be wonderful while, when we look back at some, we can only but laugh at each other.



This one took we a while to come up with. I have had a lot of help and guidance along the way to become a much better and productive Steemitian and all these amazing people have been nothing short of helpful, motivating and inspiring.

But let's just say, gun to my head I had to chose a person because my life depended on it, I'd pick big uncle @alphafx.

I met him the same day I was born (now isn't that interesting!!!) as he was talking with my "Steemit Dad" and "elder brother". Big Uncle has been an extremely inspiring figure in my Steemit journey. He wasn't always there to give me all the guidance I needed and, thankfully grandad, mum and elder brother filled up those spaces very effectively.

Big Uncle is more of an inspiration to me. When I was starting off in the early days, I used to go throw all his posts from the time he started on Steemit and would really look through and see how his journey had turned out. His story is super inspiring.

From being a complete newbie, Big Uncle was able to climb the ranks and become an influential figure in Steemit. I think the peak of his career was when he was appointed a Crypto Academy Professor, a position he managed very effectively. This inspired me greatly and sparked in me a desire to do and become a lot better than I thought was possible.

As time went on, Big Uncle retired from being a professor and stepped down. He later became a Campus Captain in our community before finally hanging the boots. These days, he now trades the financial markets most of the time and is on and off on Steemit. His personal life and attitude towards a lot of things are a source of inspiration to me.


This list would be far from complete without the amazing people I am about to mention. They have had profound impact in my Steemit journey and have been there to guide and direct me one way or the other.

I thank @swaylee for always being available to answer my questions when I was confused. I met him through Steemit via my community. What I like about him is the easy-going nature that creates an aura around him. He is extremely easy to talk to, extremely easy to vibe with and is all round fun.

I thank @ladyofpolicy as well. I meet her through Stemit, just like @swaylee. She has also been there to answer my questions when I was confused. She also introduced me to an idea; that's what family do for each other. She said I should be accepting Steem and SBD as a means of payment for my business.

What about @dayographix, @goodybest and so much more people who have inspired me and impacted my life either directly or indirectly? Time and ink will not let me mention them and give them the honor and respect that they truly deserve. They have been nothing but wonderful and extraordinary in my journey to become a better Steemitian.

A big shout out to the entire #campusconnect family. You guys have been the best and have been there for me.

Screenshot (847).pngSome Members Of My Family


Family is something that is really deep and personal to me. I've met and connected with so many people who have similar goals and visions for themselves through Steemit.

I'm really happy that this contest was created and the opportunity to share my family with you all was made available.

We should all take our families very seriously and we should know that family is, beyond the genetic similarities and the blood connections, something extremely deep and spiritual. Family is all about connectivity, a form of communication on a much deeper level.

A big shout out to # Colombia-Original for organizing this contest and giving me the opportunity to share this contest with you guys. I would love to invite my whole community to participate in this contest but for now I invite @sandrakez, @emmanuel-malume and @alphafx to this amazing contest.

Thank you everyone. Have a great day with your respective Steemian family; show lots of love, respect, happiness and support to every member.


Hello dear friend, a very nice entry, I can see that for you family is important, I'm glad because you have those people by your side, it is important to surround ourselves with good people in life. Thank you for your entry.

I recommend you to verify yourself so you can be a PARCERO in our community and continue publishing more original content, here is the link:

 3 years ago 

wonderful family, i loved your post, is good to know that you are having good links with steemians, greetins from Venezuela

Saludos Steemian, @kingmyke, Tu post ha sido recompensado por @alejos7ven del Cotina Team.

Si deseas apoyar a la comunidad considera delegar Steem Power a @cotina o Votar por nuestro Witness

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